Someone Special (Chapter Two)

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It was about five in the morning when she woke up she didn't remember how she got to her room, but she was almost sure that the events from the last night was just a bad dream. Her whole body was hurting but she didn't look at herself in the mirror so she didn't see the newly forming black eye or bruises on her face and body from where Mark and his friends had beat and tried to rape her. She always took a shower first thing in the morning to wake up, she was completely unaware of the man that fell asleep on her couch. She would normally sing in the shower, but she didn't feel like singing. She took a fifteen minute shower, the warm water felt good on her aching body. Roman was sleeping comfortable on her couch when the sound of running water and the smell of green apple shampoo woke him up. Once Melody got out of the shower she then noticed she black eye and the bruises all over her body. Before she could even think about how she got them she heard movement coming from her living room. She was curious yet concerned about what she was hearing. Roman woke up and started stretching, Melody wrapped a towel around herself and went to investigate. Roman had his back turned as he was stretching so when Melody first saw him she screamed and ran to get something to defend her home from this intruder. The closest thing she had was a broom, she grabbed it and was ready to fight to protect her home. When Roman turned around to face her he saw her coming at him with the broom and grabbed at it before she hit him with it.

"Woah woah easy!"

Melody instantly dropped the broom once she realized it was him.


"Yeah it's me..."

Her mouth dropped open as she realized what had happened.

"Last night wasn't a dream was it?"

Roman looked at her once she dropped the broom.


Roman was slightly embarrassed and tried to look away from her. That was when Melody remembered that she had a towel wrapped around her body. Her hair was dripping wet and now she was embarrassed.

"Um... I'm sorry for thinking you were an intruder and attacking you."

"Don't worry about it. It's fine."

"Excuse me for a moment... I need to go change. We'll talk then ok?"


They were both blushing because of this awkward situation, but Melody was more embarrassed. Now that she remembered what happened the night before she realized that this was the second time that Roman had almost seen her completely naked and they hardly knew each other. At least this time she was covered up a bit better. She changed into a long t-shirt that covered up and a pair of jeans. She dried her hair for a while and brushed it before decided to put it up in a ponytail. She wasn't sure if Roman would still be there when she got done because of their awkward encounter, but he was listening to music when she came out. Now it was about five thirty in the morning so it was still dark outside. It was weird that Melody felt uncomfortable in her own home, but she didn't know what to think about someone else being in her home. She walked into the living room and sat in a chair across from Roman. Once he saw her come in he turned off his music, took out his headphone from his ears and looked at her. She was a short girl, probably not much taller than five foot, she had curves in all the right places, he had to look at her face again or he would start thinking dirty thoughts. He noticed that she had bruises all over her neck and face and her black eye. He chose to ignore that because bruises were only temporary. Her hair was dark brown, but lighter than his own hair. Her eyes matched her hair, he knew that if he kept looking at her eyes that he would get lost in them. He knew he would probably have to explain to her why he stayed at her house. He didn't have a good excuse, it was just late that night and he didn't want to go to a hotel. It was quiet for a moment, they were both waiting to see who would speak first, Melody decided to speak first.

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