Someone Special (Chapter 12)

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Melody had her eyes closed, Roman kept asking her if she trusted him. He had never given her a reason not to trust him, but why would he ask her to close her eyes? She hesitated for a moment, but closed her eyes anyway. Roman had been dancing with her to a song and now he pulled her closer. She had her eyes closed, but felt slightly uncomfortable for a moment. She wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but could feel Roman leaning down and getting closer to her face. It was a quick kiss, but also a gentle and passionate kiss. She felt his facial hair tickling her lips, but the kiss was heavenly. She felt like she was floating on air, she felt her stomach twisting up in knots and the feeling of millions of butterflies in her stomach. It was honestly the best feeling she's ever had. It was the first time she had ever really been kissed without one being forced upon her. It was just a quick kiss and it caught her off guard, the kiss ended before she could respond. Even after she realized it was over she could still feel the kiss lingering on her lips. She had her eyes closed and felt her heart pounding in her chest. The next thing she knew she heard Roman telling her that she could open her eyes. The song that they were listening to was over. She opened her eyes to look at Roman, before either of them could say anything Dean and Seth came into the room. If she wasn't blushing like a school girl before, she definitely was now. Dean and Seth didn't see what happened, but they had a pretty good idea. Roman and Melody were both quiet, there was an awkward silence between them. They would obviously have to talk about this later, if anything to Melody it seemed like Roman was upset. Was it because of Dean and Seth, or was it because she didn't kiss him back.

Melody would get to be in the crowd again, this time The Shield would let security know it was ok for her to hang around so there wouldn't be anymore issues with security. Roman wondered if it would be safe for Melody in the crowd and wondered if it would be too much trouble to have her backstage. Would she be safer backstage? A lot of things happened backstage too. There were plenty of people out in the crowd, but knew the exact spot where she would be sitting. Seth told Roman about when Olivia's ex tried to take her away through the crowd. He knew he couldn't be out there for the whole show to watch her and thought that anything could happen before they came out. He decided to text her and make sure she was ok.

Melody, how are things out there? I can't be out at ringside for the whole show so I wanted to check up on you to see how you were doing. -Roman

Melody was actually enjoying a good match between The Prime Time Players and The Lucha Dragons. The action was high flying and back and forth between them, but The Prime Time Players end up winning. The match lasted a little over ten minutes and Roman was worried when Melody didn't respond right away. He then noticed that Dean was looking over his shoulder. Dean noticed the worried look on Roman's face.

"Oh... so you were texting Melody."

Roman rolled his eyes and put away his phone.

"Yes I was texting Melody. I was just checking up on her. We can't be out there the whole show so I just wanted to make sure she was ok. She hasn't replied back yet and it's been about fifteen minutes."

"Chill man, don't get your pants twisted, she's probably enjoying the show. You worry too much."

"How can I not?"

Seth came up behind him and pat him on the back.

"I get it, Melody really means something to you and you just want to look out for her. We've got her back too."

"I know... and Dean I really owe you big time. If you didn't catch her that day..."

"It's no problem. I was just at the right place at the right time I guess. Just watching over your girl for you."

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