Someone Special (Chapter 34)

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Once Melody and Roman were done with the arcade games they started thinking about how they were going to spend Christmas. This was their first Christmas together and they wanted it to be special. If they were always together, how would they surprise each other?


"Yes Melody?"

"I'm really glad that you're here with me, and I hope this doesn't upset you, but would you mind if I went shopping with a few of my friends from church?"

"It's not going to upset me, go have fun with your friends...Just be careful ok?"

"I will."

"You have my number, if you need me just give me a call."


Melody called one of her friends from the church and a few minutes later there was a car pulling up in Roman's driveway. Roman watched Melody leave and stood in the doorway to get a look at the people she was leaving with. He was relieved when he saw that there were two women in the car, he wouldn't have to worry about any guys trying to make a move on her. He trusted Melody, but if there was a guy around Melody that he hadn't met he wouldn't be as comfortable letting Melody go. He was glad that she made a few friends that could hang out with her. Now this was the perfect time for Roman to find a present for Melody. Before Melody left she gave Roman a kiss and a quick hug. When she got in the car she looked and saw Roman still standing in his doorway. She smiled at him and waved, he smiled and waved back at her. Knowing most women he was sure that Melody would be gone for at least two hours. In the car one of her friends got a good look at Roman.

"So, that's your boyfriend Roman?"

Melody smiled and responded back.

"Yes, that's Roman."

"You haven't told us much about him... You didn't tell us he was hot."

Her other friend spoke up.

"Ok he is good looking, but look how big and muscular he looks. Does he treat you alright?"

"Yes, he's always been so sweet. We've had our ups and downs, but what relationship doesn't? He's never forced me into doing anything something I didn't want to do, and he's always been very protective of me. He's actually the first boyfriend I've ever had, I never wanted a boyfriend, but he was just so sweet to me, I changed my mind. I never thought I would ever give love a chance, but he makes me feel loved, he makes me feel things I've never felt before. I don't always get to see him. He travels a lot with WWE... That's a wrestling company, he does sometimes have a hard time with his anger, but I try to be there to calm him down."

"Aw... Melody, you two seem so perfect for each other. Has he hinted about maybe wanting to marry you?"

"Well I'm not sure... You girls know I teach music, he says that I'm great with kids and asked me if I ever wanted kids of my own. I think I would at some point, but I would be worried about taking care of them on my own if something went wrong. I don't want to end up being heartbroken, being a single mom trying to raise a bunch of kids and hope they don't hate me."

"Melody, you've got to have faith. You're capable of more than you think, but sometimes you just have to let go and let God take control. He has a plan for you, he knows what's best for you."

"You're right... As far as Roman and I go, we haven't been together for a year yet. It's probably too early to be thinking about marriage."

"But could you imagine spending your life with him?"

"Yes... He's just made me happier than I've ever been, he's shown me what love is."

"I'm happy for you, I hope things work out for both of you."

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