Someone Special (Chapter 28)

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The next day Melody decided that she would take over the music lesson to see how the students respond to her. She needed to talk to Stephanie before school started.

"Stephanie... I was hoping I could talk to you before the day starts."

"Ok, what's on your mind?"

"Well... I don't know if I have a say in anything since I'm new, but there was something that I just had to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"It could have been because yesterday was the first day, but it seemed like the Kindergarten and first graders were really tired and they really seemed to struggle with reading from the book. Everyone else didn't have a hard time, but they didn't really seem interested. Then at the end of the day it seemed like the sixth graders weren't interested in anything, maybe this could have been anyone because at the end of the day I guess the kids want to go home. I was just watching, but the third, fourth, and fifth graders seemed the most interested once you started playing the piano. Maybe it was because their age group is right in the middle or it could have been because of the time of day. Again... I'm new here and I don't really have a say in anything, but couldn't we make it so that the older kids have music first, and if you want them to learn from books, couldn't you focus on the older kids?"

"I noticed all of that yesterday. I wanted you to watch yesterday to see how I did things, but you're right, they didn't seem really interested in learning from the book. I guess I was a little tough on the younger students by expecting them to read from the books. I don't think I can do anything about what time the classes come in, you'll have to talk to Lisa about that. I can let you take over for today, I'd like to see how the students respond to you."

The school bell rang and the Kindergarten class came in looking tired. Melody was going to be in charge for the day, she was nervous and excited. The Kindergarten class was only on their second day of being at school so they weren't used to the way things were supposed to be. Once Lisa finished the morning announcements some of the kids were sitting down being quiet while a few others were walking around the room talking. Melody decided that the best way to get everyone's attention would be by blowing the train whistle like she did during her interview. The kids that were talking got quiet and the kids that were tired were scared. Melody had her hand in the air and now everyone was looking at her.

"Can I please have everyone go stand by the wall?"

They did what she wanted and stood by a wall near the piano Melody still had her hand up.

"I don't know if you remember me from yesterday, but my name is Melody... Ms. Melody. I'll be here to help out . I do have one rule... Everyone listen ok?"

Everyone was listening.

"When I blow the whistle and put my hand in the air, it means to be quiet and look at me. Whenever you have a question, quietly raise your hand and I'll answer your question. Let's test it out... I want everyone to raise their hands in the air... No talking please."

They were quiet and put their hands in the air, some of them put both hands in the air.

"Ok very good, but just one hand. I noticed that everyone seemed really tired yesterday... Some of you look tired today, who's tired?"

Most of the kids kept their hands in the air.

"Ok... So I have an idea to wake up... I want everyone to take your hands and reach up as high as you can."

The kids had their hands up and were on their tippy toes trying to stretch and look really tall.

"Very good, now everybody reach down low to the ground and touch your toes like this..."

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