Someone Special (Chapter 16)

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Melody didn't know what was going on, one minute Bray is talking to her and trying to get in her head, the next thing she knew, he said he was going to let her go and was untying her. The things Bray said to her about Roman not being good for her she didn't believe. He was trying to get her to think that Roman was the bad guy and that she should be trusting Bray instead. Bray noticed that the things he was saying wasn't really throwing her off like it had before. He thrived off of chaos and would do anything to screw with people's heads. If he couldn't get in her mind with his words, he would have to do something else. He had a feud with Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and now he was looking to feud with Roman Reigns. Roman may have the advantage of strength on his side, but Bray was sure that if he destroyed the mind of Roman Reigns that he would be easier to beat. Bray could hear The Shield coming down the hall. Then an idea popped in his head, thid would be the perfect opportunity to mentally mess with Roman and Melody. Surely this would mess things up between Roman and Melody. Bray grabbed Melody by her waist and pulled her close to his body. Melody was shocked and disgusted, she tried to push him away, but he only pulled her closer and shoved his tongue in her mouth and enjoyed the taste of something cherry flavored she had earlier. He felt her shaking and knew that she was afraid so he also enjoyed the taste of her fear. There was nothing Melody could do to get away and to make matters worse, with Bray kissing her, that was the exact moment that she heard the door open and she saw Roman. Dean and Seth were also there, but Roman was the first person she saw and Roman was the one that opened the door. Roman was shocked at what he was seeing. He was shocked, hurt, but also angry, but wasn't sure who his anger should be directed to. Bray stopped kissing her and started laughing as he walked out of the room, he looked back at her and winked saying...

"Thank you Melody for that... amazing experience. Thanks for stopping by... and feel free to do it again next time you feel lonely or need a male companion."

Bray walked down the hall and knew that his plan worked when Roman didn't chase after him. Melody just stood in the doorway speechless over what happened and afraid of what Roman would say or do. Melody avoided direct eye contact with him because she was afraid of what Roman would say. When Roman noticed Melody avoiding him and looking down at the ground, he mistook her fear for guilt and now he was wondering if Melody was the one that kissed Bray and not the other way around, and the fact that she hadn't said anything wasn't helping either. He started thinking that Melody had a guilty look on her face because she had been caught in the act. He suddenly just snaps.


Melody looked up at him and was scared of his tone.

"I... I didn't..."

"You didn't what?!... Think you'd get caught?!"

Melody was trying to explain herself, but was cut off by Dean and Seth.

"Roman! Bro chill!"

"Right before our match I hear that you're in trouble so we pretty much kill New Day and rush back here and I find you kissing Bray Wyatt!"

Melody remembered something Bray told her and she got upset.

"You think I would do that to you?!... You think I would go behind your back and kiss Bray?! What about you?! You're trying to accuse me of something I didn't do and you... you've admitted to it... You've fucked plenty of women and left them the next day!"

Melody was upset and said something she shouldn't have said that caused Roman to lose his temper. He was pissed off after seeing Bray and Melody kiss and what she said only pissed him off even more. He wasn't thinking and punched a hole in the wall which wasn't far from Melody's head. She was pinned up against the wall because the hall wasn't very wide and when she saw Roman swing to hit she thought he was going to hit her. She screamed and closed her eyes as she heard a piece of the wall crumbling and felt the vibrations of the hit near her head. Dean and Seth pulled Roman back from her. Seth started yelling at Roman.

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