Someone Special (Chapter 17)

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When Roman and Melody get back to the hotel, Roman really wanted to talk to Melody, but after the night they've had he was surprised that she even wanted to travel with him let alone speak to him. He could tell that Melody was tired and wanted to go to sleep. They hadn't really said anything to each other since Roman found her walking on the side of the road, even when they went to eat they didn't talk to each other. That could have been because Dean and Seth were with them, but even when they got to their hotel room they still didn't talk, even after five minutes. There was this awkward silence between them. It was like they meeting each other all over again, things seemed weird between them before anything happened with Bray. Every time Bray was around, things only seemed to get worse for them, but the awkwardness between them really started after Roman and Melody kissed. They never really had a chance to talk and if they were going to, they would have to before it was time to leave for Raw the next day. Melody looked over at Roman getting his stuff ready for the next day.

"I'm going to go take a shower."

Roman looked at her as she took what she needed into the bathroom.


Melody had a frustrated look on her face as she grabbed her shampoo bottle. She was out of her favorite green apple shampoo and knew that she would have to use the small bottled shampoo the hotel provided. With her hair being as long as it was that could be a problem. She knew this was a problem because with the cheap hotel shampoo , you were lucky if you had enough shampoo for one shower. She sighed in frustration and threw her empty shampoo bottle in the trash. While Melody was in the shower this gave Melody and Roman time to think .

"I'm such an idiot... Things haven't been right between me and Melody ever since the kiss. Now with all of this shit happening with Wyatt, Melody is becoming more distant from me now than when I met her. My anger was directed to the wrong person, I took my anger out on the wrong person. I took my anger out on her when I should have taken my anger out on Wyatt. Of course ... I was a stupid Asshole earlier when I punched the wall and scared her off. It's a good thing Seth did that iPhone tracking thing, otherwise I might have never found her. I'm glad we found her when we did, who knows what could have happened to her if we never found her. Melody wants to be an independent woman, she doesn't like to feel like a burden to anyone so she doesn't ask for anyone's help. She's tired... She's physically tired from traveling, and she's mentally and emotionally tired from all of the shit that's happening to her. I can't say I know all of what she wants, but it's what she needs that's really important... She needs a place to stay, not just go from hotel to hotel, but an actual place she can stay to call home, she needs a job, and she needs people that will be there for her. I want to be there for her, but I don't know if she wants me around. Dean... He sees her like a sister. I guess Seth does too, but Dean was really protective of her the day she tried to commit suicide. He lost his own sister to suicide so I guess Melody reminds him of his sister and he wants to be around to protect her. I was such an Asshole earlier, she was so terrified of me, I'm supposed to be here to protect her, but instead I just keep screwing things up. She came with me this time, but if I screw up again she might not give me any more chances. I've got to make it up to her or I'd end up losing her... I just want to see her happy and smiling again. I have to make it up to her somehow."

He knew it wasn't going to make up for everything, but it was a start... He remembered seeing Melody throw away her shampoo bottle, he had another idea and grabbed the car keys. He was sure that Dean and Seth wouldn't need to go anywhere so he knocked on the bathroom door to let Melody know that he was leaving.

"Melody... I'm going to the store, I'll be back in a few minutes."


Melody could hear the room door shut and knew that he left. Now Melody was alone with her thoughts.

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