Someone Special (Chapter 25)

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Melody woke up early the next day, she was excited and nervous at the same time. She woke up before her alarm and made sure she was quiet so she wouldn't wake up Roman. She decided to go outside on the porch to look at the ocean. The sun was coming up over the horizon, Roman's porch had become her quiet place to think.

"Today is the big day... I have a one in three chance of getting this job. Lisa said that if I could handle her kids that I could handle any of the kids. I've never worked with kids before. There is a chance they may not like me, I've always thought of myself as a fun person, but if they don't like me that's it."

Melody turned around when she heard a door behind her and saw Roman come out.

"Is everything ok Babygirl?"

"Yeah... Everything is fine."

Roman came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Are you sure? You seem to come out here by yourself when you have something on your mind."

"I came out here to think so I wouldn't wake you up."

"It's ok to wake me up... If there is ever anything you want to talk to me about you can. Communication is important in relationships, even don't have to keep everything bottled up to yourself. If you don't feel like talking to me, you could always talk to Dean or Seth. What you talk about with them is between you and them, but they are very good listeners. I know we just started dating a week ago, but really we've been together for a little over a month now. I can tell when something is bothering you...So we'll try this again... Is there anything you want to talk about?"

Melody leaned up against his chest and let out a breath.

"I've mostly been thinking about how this evaluation will go. I've always thought of myself as a fun person, but I don't know if I can do this... I've never worked with kids before, I don't know if I can handle kids...what if they don't like me?"

Roman rubs her shoulders to try to calm her down.

"You can do this. You're very fun to be around, those kids will love you."

"It's not just about being fun... I have to also be serious, look, and act professionally or Lisa won't take me seriously."

"You'll do great! I believe in you."

Roman drove Melody back to the school, wished her good luck, and gave her a good luck kiss before she went in. Melody wanted to make sure that she was early in case she was needed. She actually showed up twenty minutes early. She wasn't exactly sure where to go so she went back to the office area and went to Lisa's office and knocked on the door. She was surprised when a kid opened the door. She looked in the office and saw two other kids younger than the one that opened the door. Melody smiled and introduced herself.

"Hi... My name is Melody, I'm here for the day to hopefully become the new music teacher. I'm looking for the principal ."

One of the younger kids sat down in the principal's chair.

"That's me... What can I do for you?"

The kid that opened the door interrupted.

"She's pretending to be our mom. She's in the bathroom right now."

A few seconds later Lisa came into the office.

"Oh... Good morning Melody, you're early."

"Yeah... I like to show up for things at least ten or fifteen minutes ahead of time... That's just the way I am."

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