Someone Special (Chapter 22)

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The week went by and the weekend was here, The Shield had the weekend off, but decided to hang out anyway. Ever since Roman asked Melody if she wanted to meet his parents he's noticed that Melody seemed a bit nervous. He talked to Dean and Seth about it and asked if they would come along to make her more comfortable, but Melody didn't know until they were all on the road.

"I'm really surprised that you guys decided to come. Since you had the weekend off I thought you guys would want to relax at home."

"Well, we know Roman's family. His parents are pretty cool."

"Plus, you seemed a bit off this week. We thought we would come along to make you feel more comfortable."

"Aw, thanks guys. I'm always a bit nervous when I meet new people."

"It'll ok. We'll be here if you need us."

"Wow Roman... Your parents have a really nice house."

Melody felt a little better since Dean and Seth were coming along, but she started feeling nervous the moment Roman pulled into a driveway. Dean and Seth got out, but Roman noticed the look on her face and grabbed her hand.

"Melody... I know you're nervous..."

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be, but I just am."

"It's ok, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pressured you into doing something that you didn't want to do."

"You didn't pressure me, it's nothing personal about your family, I'm always nervous when I meet new people."

"You don't have to meet them if you don't want to. We could always come back another time when you feel more comfortable. The boys and I could go in for a few minutes and then come out."

"No... I do want to meet your family. If I don't meet them now, I may never get over my fear of meeting new people. I want to do this... I need to do this."

Roman smiled at her and kissed her hand. He gets out and makes his way to the passenger side and opened the door for her. He held out his hand to her, she smiled, took his hand and got out of the car. Roman and Melody made their way to the door holding hands, Dean and Seth follow close behind. Roman knocked on the door and it opened. Roman told Melody to stay with Dean and Seth. Roman went in and looked through his house until he saw his parents in the back yard on their patio. He went out for a moment and said hello to them. He told them that he had company with them. They were grilling food and told Roman to bring them around back. Roman went back to the front door and motioned for them to come inside. Dean and Seth went out to the patio first. Melody was nervous and stayed close to Roman and held his hand. His parents saw him first, then Melody. Roman spoke up.

"Mom, Dad, you guys know Dean and Seth... This is my girlfriend."

Melody stepped forward blushing a little, but held her hand out to shake.

"I'm Melody, it's nice to meet you."

Roman's dad stepped forward, grabbed her hand for a moment only to pull her in for a hug.

"Roman didn't tell you?... We hug around here."

Roman's dad let her go and went back to grilling. Roman's mom hugged Melody.

"Sorry if you're uncomfortable with all this close attention, but that's the way his family is... I can see why Roman likes you, you're very pretty Melody."

Melody blushes at this and felt more comfortable around them as each moment passed. Roman's mom spoke again.

"For the last week or so all Roman has talked about is you."

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