Someone Special (Chapter Six)

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"Oh my God! I'm in the same room as The Shield!"

Dean burst out laughing at this.

"Well hello to you too."

"This is amazing, you're all here, and even in your Shield gear."

Seth now had a smirk on his face, looked at Roman and finally broke his silence.

"That's because when Roman found out you were in the hospital, he was so worried about you that he dropped everything he was doing and we left before we could change."

Melody had a smile on her face, but Roman just rolled his eyes.

"You guys didn't have to come you know."

Dean walked over to Roman and pat him on the back.

"Sure we did. We're brothers remember? We do everything together. This girl must really be important to you if you would drop everything just to come see her. So Roman... if she's important to you, she's important to us too. Right Seth?"


Dean looked over at Melody.

"The only thing is Roman hasn't told us what happened."

"Only because this is a personal thing that happened to Melody. I don't think she wants the whole world to know. Seth... her situation is kind of the same as Olivia's."

Seth seemed to understand. With Olivia she had been through abusive relationships that became public one night when her abusive ex showed up at Raw. Luckily for Seth and Olivia they found each other and changed all that. This situation was kind of the same with Melody except she's never been in a relationship at all and she was just a victim of poor circumstance.

"So I would really like to not bring it up unless Melody is ok with it."

"You can tell them Roman... I think they really need to know."

Roman goes on to tell Dean and Seth that he first met Melody at a bar. He told them that Melody only worked at a bar so she could sing for people. He ended up saving her from being raped by her boss and his friends. He stayed the night at her house for two different reasons. One of those reasons was because it was late and he didn't want to go back to the hotel. The other reason was because he wanted to stay for the night to make sure nothing happened. He told them that Melody was a good cook and that she cooked him breakfast before he left to go train with them and that they had each others phone numbers. He then told them what Melody told him. He told them that her relationship with her mom wasn't very good, but her brother John actually cared for her whether he wanted her to know or not. He told them that her boss had been stalking her and that he came to her house and tried to kill her. He beat her until he heard police sirens and ran off leaving Melody passed out in her own living room. Once Roman told them everything he knew they understood why Roman wanted to help her. Seth was quiet while Dean was enraged.

"Well... Your boss sounded like a real Asshole. Someone's gotta catch that Son of a Bitch! Also... your mom walked out on you, she sounds like a real Bitch too. I feel for you Melody, I really do. I'd like to help out too when I can."

Roman looked over at Seth to see if he could figure out what he was thinking.

"Seth... what are you thinking about all of this?"

Seth looked at Melody and it reminded him of the first night that he met Olivia.

"Seeing Melody here reminds me of the first night I met Olivia... she was attacked by a guy at a gas station. He tried beating her and left her for dead. I showed up and ran the guy off. Your story is so similar to Olivia's... I've got your back too Melody."

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