Someone Special (Chapter 30)

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Melody couldn't believe how great her day went, she seemed to make a lot of progress with her mom. Her mom had been seeing a therapist and her mom seemed like a completely different person. She actually listened to what Melody had to say and apologized for not understanding. At first when her mom called her and apologized she wasn't sure if she could forgive her. When Melody got to her mom's house and her mom apologized to her face she could tell by her tone of voice and the look in her eyes that she really had changed and that she meant what she was saying. Even though her mom said hurtful things to her in the past she decided to forgive her mom and be the better person. All Melody wanted was to fix things with her mom, they were definitely taking steps in the right direction. At first Melody wasn't sure if she wanted her mom to meet Roman and The Shield, but her mom was very accepting of them. She seemed a little impressed even that Roman and Melody were together. Roman could tell that Melody really was happy now that things were getting better with her mom. Melody had been through so much and now it seemed like all of her problems disappeared.

She had ringside seats and could see everything, she really enjoyed watching the matches live. She looked around at the other people in the crowd and wondered if anyone recognized her. She checked her twitter and didn't notice anything about her and Roman which must have meant that no one recognized her. The Shield were usually in main event matches, but tonight The Shield was in the first match of the night. They were going to challenge the new tag team champions The New Day. Melody thought it was weird that The Shield was having to fight The New Day. The Shield were main aventers and The New Day were mid-card wrestlers and yet The New Day were tag team champions. Maybe this was because the mid-card tag team division didn't have much competition besides Prime Time Players, Los Matadores, and Lucha Dragons. It seemed obvious to everyone when the match was announced that The Shield would beat The New Day since The Shield beat them before.

The match was pretty much dominated by The Shield, Roman was in the ring with Big E and was getting ready to end the match with a spear. Suddenly The Wyatt Family images flash quickly on the screen and the lights go out. The crowd reaction was huge with mostly cheers. With all the confusion Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston went over to The Shield corner and knocked Dean and Seth off the ring apron. Big E was still down, but while Roman looked up at the screen expecting a promo he was attacked by Luke and Erick. Big E got out of the ring and went over where Kofi and Xavier were and joined in on the attack on Dean and Seth. Roman did his best to fight off Luke and Erick, but they were two big guys and the numbers game caught up to him. It was a set up. Everyone thought The New Day was going to be an easy win for The Shield, but really it was just a distraction to bring back The Wyatt Family. As The Shield was being beat down by The New Day and two thirds of The Wyatt Family the crowd started booing this and then they could hear Bray talking on a microphone, but he still wasn't being shown on the screen.

"You thought this was over Roman? This doesn't end until I claim what's mine. I could have come back anytime I wanted, but I was waiting for her. I was beginning to think you left her like you do many others because I haven't seen her in a while. I was beginning to think I would never see her again, but you've been hiding from me... You can run and hide all you want, it doesn't matter, sooner or later you will come back to me. I already saw you, I know you're here. You're trying to blend in with the crowd, but you're not like anyone here, which makes you that much easier to find. Luke... Erick, find her... Bring her to me. I call her Abigail, but she may go by Melody."

Melody was freaking out and hoped that Luke and Erick didn't see her. She wasn't going to stay in one place and risk being seen so she kept her head down so no one could see her face. She decided to put a hood over her head so hopefully no one would notice her. Melody thought that if she could make her way over to the stairs that she could make her way up and make it to a bathroom where they wouldn't think to look for her and give up looking for her. Even though she was scared and wanted to get out of there as fast as she could she knew she couldn't run because that would easily give away her location. She had her back turned and started making her way up the stairs as calm as she could, but her heart rate increased and her hands and legs started to shake. She made it halfway up the stairs when she heard Bray's voice again.

"She's probably trying to hide her face and make her way out of the crowd. I can sense her fear... This will only make it easier to find you Melody."

Outside of the ring, The Shield were down on the ground still trying to figure out what was going on. Roman was also looking for Melody and saw her before Luke and Erick did and actually thought she was going to get away because he saw her towards the top of the stairs. Melody thought she was going to get away, but she didn't notice that someone spilled their drink so she didn't notice the sticky, slippery mess and slipped on one of the steps and tumbled all the way back down. Everyone saw her fall and their attention was on her which is something she hoped she could have avoided. She ended up scraping her knees, her arms, and even the top of her head. When she finally got down to the bottom everything went black for a moment and she couldn't move. When Roman saw Melody fall down the stairs even though he was hurt himself he still willed his way up and tried to run over to her, but The New Day were still at ringside and attacked him with chairs. Melody blacked out for a moment, she heard boos and noticed The New Day attacking Roman. She then noticed Luke and Erick making their way over to her. She was going to get up and run, but found that she couldn't move. She then felt the extreme pain in her right ankle, it had to be broken. She felt tears burn in her eyes and fall down her face. This was from her ankle and because she was scared and knew that there was nothing she could do to get away. Luke and Erick make their way over to her. Melody tried one last thing.

"No... Please... Leave me alone."

Even with her tears and pleas for them to leave her alone, her emotional state didn't seem to effect them at all and Luke only grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and carried her away like she weighed nothing. Melody was hurt and knew it was no use in trying to fight back. She closed her eyes as the tears fell and hoped that this wasn't happening, and that this was all just a bad dream. She was still dizzy and in pain from falling down the steps and soon passed out. The New Day left and doctors and referees had to check on The Shield. Once Roman was aware of his surroundings he remembered that Melody got hurt and now was being taken away. He was concerned because Melody was hurt before Luke and Erick found her. Now that Bray was back, who knew what he would do to her. Even though Roman was beat down more than Dean and Seth he refused medical attention and only wanted to find Melody. Luke and brought Melody to a room and Bray told him to place her on a couch. Bray saw her fall down and noticed the places where she was bleeding. Her knee and forehead had large cuts and he knew a bandaid wouldn't be enough. He had skills no one knew about. He took a cold wash cloth and stopped the bleeding and then stitched up her knee and forehead. She had scrapes on her arms, but bandaids would take care of that. He then took off her shoes, he knew right away that it wasn't just her ankle, but her whole right foot that was broken. He decided that ice could be used later, but right now he would wrap up her foot. Once he was done with that he went back over to her head. He avoided touching the place where her stitches were, but he still held her head in his lap and he was petting the top of her head like an animal. Luke and Erick went somewhere else so it was just Melody and Bray. He rubbed her head and gently started talking to her.

"Rest now Melody... We can talk when you wake up. As you rest maybe just listen... I thought I lost you... Don't you see?... Roman is no good for you, otherwise you wouldn't be hurt right now. This is only physical pain, it's only tempotary... I have to wonder, how much mental and emotional pain has he put you through? I don't know why you do this? You're just like Abigail... We were destined to be together forever, but she didn't think so. She didn't love me the same way I loved her... She left me right before I could make her mine. I don't know where she is today... She's was wondering this earth and finally she's come back to me... It's you Melody... You are Abigail, me beloved. Why must you run from me and hide your feelings. If you want to be called Melody fine, but why must you deny your feelings for me when you know we are destined to be together? You're confused, you're still trying to find out who you are. In your confusion, you think you belong to Roman Reigns. To clear your confusion... Abigail... Melody, when you wake up I need to mark you. Of course you won't be alone in this... Luke and Erick must also recieve this mark so they themselves remember that they are my brothers. This needs to be done so that you have a permanent reminder as to who you really belong to. You're mine. You belong to me!"

(To be continued. Thanks for reading. Review.)

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