Someone Special (Chapter 41)

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The next day Roman seemed more relaxed. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. For some reason, he had it in his mind that there may have been something going on between Dean and Melody. He knew that he should trust them. Dean was his Shield brother, he knew how crazy Roman was about Melody, she was the love of his life. They wouldn't do anything behind his back. Roman had made the mistake of jumping to conclusions with Bray and Melody, he should have trusted Melody then and didn't. The same thing had recently happened between Roman and Summer. Melody thought there was something going on between him and Summer. He knew that trust was a two way street, he was supposed to trust her and he wanted her to trust him. He didn't know why, but he couldn't help but be jealous when Melody was around Dean, he thought that Dean and Melody were getting a little too friendly with each other. He had seen her hug Seth, but she hugged Dean a few times. Later that night at Raw things seemed normal until the lights went out and they started hearing Bray talk. Roman saw Melody at ringside and made his way over to her. He kept his eyes on Melody while he listened to Bray.

"I know you're here Melody... You can relax. I'm not going to hurt you. In fact I'm not even coming out. You're too far gone... I've waited and waited for you to figure out who I am, but you're too far gone. We were destined to be together, but apparently you and Roman Reigns didn't think so. I had feeling for you Melody, but I grew tired of waiting for you to return those feelings. So finally I moved on... Things change... like the season. It changes from Fall to Winter, Winter to Spring... and finally from Spring to Summer."

The camera zooms out and shows Summer Rae sitting willingly by the looks of it in a chair. Bray kissed Summer's hand giving away that Summer was his new love interest. Even though nothing actually ever happened between Melody in Bray's mind he was finally free from Melody and he was with Summer, a woman that would actually return his feelings. Melody felt a sense of relief as she looked over at Roman, but Bray kept talking.

"But Shield be warned... This war between us is destined to always happen. There are times of war and times of peace. You will never know when war decided to present itself to the world. Years from now when we're all dead and gone the kids in the audience here will tell their own kids about the epic never ending battles between The Wyatt family and The Shield. This war... will never end... It never ends."

Bray's promo ended and the lights came back on. Melody was still at ringside and both her and Roman released a breath of relief and looked at each other. Melody was still there and unharmed. Once the show was over, Roman made sure to come back down to ringside to make sure that there were no issues with security and to let the security guards know that it was ok for Melody to come back stage. Roman had to go to the men's room and Seth was busy on his Twitter and Instagram account. Dean started talking to Melody.

"So it looks like Bray is finally leaving you alone. Also... I guess you won't have to worry about Summer Rae anymore either."

"Yeah... it's weird, but cool how that worked out. I don't think we'll have anymore problems from them anymore. It's kind of like a kill two birds with one stone situation."

"So anyway onto a side note... Do you know how annoying it can be having to listen to Seth and Roman argue all the time? You can stop that from happening. It's great to have you with us again Melody. The fourth member of the Shield... The Sister of The Shield."

Dean hugged her, she loved hugs from Dean. It wasn't like a hug from Roman, but it was still pretty close. As bad timing would have it, Roman came out of the bathroom and saw them hugging. It didn't seem like a quick hug and Roman was getting pissed off. Dean noticed the look on Roman's face and when he saw him come up behind Melody he backed off. Melody wondered why Dean let go of the hug, but found out when she heard Roman start yelling. Dean and Melody looked at Roman and even Seth stopped what he was doing to see what was going on. Melody was caught off guard at the anger in his voice.

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