Someone Special (Chapter 20)

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Roman had been knocked out by Luke Harper's superkick, and referees had to come out to check on him. Back in The Shield's locker room, Dean and Seth were just waking up from the attack, they were completely unaware of anything that happened. They had a hard time walking out of the locker room, they were sore everywhere. They came out of the locker room and noticed Roman being helped be referees and took over. Roman seemed out of it until he saw Dean and Seth and then realized where he was and what happened. Dean came over to Roman and shook him to see if Roman knew what was going on.

"Roman... Ro, what happened?!"

Roman was quiet for a moment, he couldn't get what he saw out of his head. There was concern in his eyes and worry in his voice as he said only one word.


Dean and Seth seemed to understand and backed away. Roman only seemed to get more upset and started yelling at them.

"What the hell happened back here?! You guys were supposed to watch over her! I thought you guys cared about Melody, you guys know how much she means to me!"

Dean was about to yell something back to him, but Seth stepped between them.

"Hey! Roman, Dean, Back up! We do care about her Roman, and we know you're head over heels in love with her, but would you shut up and listen to me for a minute!"

Roman didn't say a word and Seth started talking again.

"We knew The Wyatt's would attack. Dean and I were ready to fight and do whatever it took to keep Melody safe. The lights went out and we were ready to fight. It was just Luke and Erick, but we didn't expect for them to have weapons. Luke had a chair, and Erick had a kendo stick. We fought them off as long as we could. We told Melody to run out to you in the ring, Dean and I got our asses beat and I guess Wyatt got to her first. We did all we could."

Roman wasn't upset with them anymore, but was upset with himself.

"It's my fault, Bray was one step ahead. He wanted us to split up, he knew we were going to split up. He knew I was going to call him out and he knew you guys were going to stay in the locker room with Melody... Damn it! No matter how hard I try, Melody somehow ends up with Bray."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go find her and kick Wyatt's ass."

"We can't just go after them, he has Melody and she could get hurt. You guys may not have seen what happened, but Bray had her tied up and kissed her... He kissed her right in front of me and there was nothing I could do about it. She headbutts him and then he slapped her. She told him to go to Hell and he slapped her again. I was running up the ramp to find him and kick his ass myself, but he had Melody by her hair and was threatening to burn her. He said that we will fight, but it will be on his terms. What the Hell am I supposed to do? If I try to find her he'll hurt her, but if I do nothing he'll still probably hurt her."

"So you're telling me that you're giving up on her?"

"No Dean I'm not giving up on her, I just don't know what to do. Bray seems to know our every move."

"That's because you don't know how to play mind games. I haven't really come up with a plan in a while. Our plans have always been put together by The Architect. How did that last plan work out for you Seth?"

"Shut up Dean... Since you're so smart, why don't you come up with a brilliant plan."

Dean gave Seth a smirk.

"Ok I will. You seem to forget that I'm the only person that's ever got inside Bray's head."

"So you're saying we should play mind games on Bray until we get inside his head."

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