Someone Special (Chapter 50)

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Roman and Melody were so glad when they felt the baby moving around, this meant that she was still alive and fighting to survive after the attack from Bray Wyatt. The doctors came in and were really surprised that the baby was still alive and moving around. The baby only had about a fifty percent chance of surviving when Melody first came in, now that she was moving around her odds of survival were much higher. Roman could still feel the baby moving around and kissed Melody's belly. Then he put his finger where he could feel her hand reaching for him.

"It's ok baby... Daddy is here now. I'm not going to let anything happen to you ever again. Mommy and Daddy love you very much, just keep on fighting so we can see you in a few months... Hang in there Lucy."

Melody was halfway through her pregnancy, she had already started taking time off from school because of her pregnancy. She wasn't really big yet, but you could definitely tell that she was pregnant. Now Roman went back up to Melody and kissed her. Melody smiled at him and held his hand.

"So... The doctors were really surprised when they saw that she was moving... They really didn't think that she was going to make it. They were saying that she only had about a fifty percent chance of making it. Now they're saying that she has about an eighty to eighty five percent of making it. I would still like it to be higher, but that's a lot better from fifty percent... It's you Roman... she reacts the most when you're around."

"I don't think so..."

"You don't?"

"No... that may just be a coincidence... I think more of it has to do with God watching over her. I was... so worried about you and Lucy... I was sitting in jail... there was nothing I could do. I sent him a prayer. I asked him to watch over both of you, and to protect you. I wasn't exactly sure how long I would be there, but a few minutes later Dean shows up and bails me out. It's amazing how fast God works... I got out of jail, and then Lucy starts moving around... I meant what I said earlier. I'm going to be a better husband and dad."

"You already are a good husband, you're going to make a great dad."

"You may think that, but the only way I can be a good husband or a good dad is by being here for both of you... I can't do that if I'm always traveling with WWE."

"You've been working hard for us... especially now that I'm not teaching. You do what you have to do."

"I will still work hard, but I've already missed out on so much of your pregnancy. Sure I may have provided money for you, but I wanted to be here with you."

"You make it sound like you want to quit."

"It's... crossed my mind a few times."

"You can't quit... I know how much WWE means to you, it's your whole life."

"No... it's only part of my life... Family is everything to me. It's important to not just provide for your family, but to also be there for your family. You've been alone for months since you became pregnant. I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you. I've missed out on half of your pregnancy... I'm not about to miss out on watching Lucy grow."

"Well I wouldn't just quit... we can work something out. I'm sure Lucy would love to watch her daddy kick butt in the ring... along with her Uncle Dean and Uncle Seth."

Roman thought about this. He would could already imagine seeing Melody and Lucy cheer him on at ringside or come to see them back stage.

"Well something needs to change... I don't want to go months without seeing you and Lucy. I miss you too much, and I want to be in your lives."

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