Someone Special (Chapter 18)

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The next day Roman and Melody seemed to wake up at the same time. Roman smiled as he saw Melody open her eyes. Melody was happy, the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Roman's gray-blue eyes looking back at her. She smiled and blushed and wondered how long he had been awake and how long he had been staring at her.

"Good morning Melody."

"Good morning Roman. How long have you been awake?"

"Not long, I just woke up actually. Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah, how about you?"

"I slept great."

Both of them were quiet for a moment and wondered what the day would be like.

"So Roman, Raw is later tonight, are we going to workout before the show?"

"We can, but I was hoping that we could take it easy today and just talk. With all of the live events, house shows, traveling with Dean and Seth... sometimes it's hard to have a conversation with just you."

"Ok, what do you want to talk about?"

"There's actually a lot on my mind, but we've got all day... I need to know what happened between you and Bray. I need to know what he's been saying to you... and how you two ended up kissing."

Melody was afraid he would bring this up, she didn't want to talk about it because of the way Roman acted. Roman could tell Melody didn't want to talk about it, but Roman wanted to know.

"Please Melody... I promise I won't get mad. I just need to know what happened."

Melody sighed and realized that she would have to tell him sooner or later.

"So... Bray's words didn't really get to me this time. There were a few things he said that did make sense... He said that the people in this world are afraid of what they don't understand and they judge someone like me because I'm different. He said that there is something special about me that sets me apart from everyone else. He told me the last time I saw him that you went around with other women, he called you a pretty boy and told me that I shouldn't trust you. He said that he could understand me more than you could. Then he says that he was letting me go. He unties me, turns me around, and the next thing I know... he's kissing me. That was when you opened the door... I swear Roman... he kissed me, not the other way around. He didn't get to me with his words, but he freaked me out when he kissed me."

Roman nodded his head and it seemed like he understood.

"Ok, that's all I needed to know, but now there is something I want to talk to you about. I already told you that the part Bray said about me going from one woman to another was keyword there is WAS. I know it can be hard to believe that people can change, but Bray wants you to believe that I'm still the same guy I was three years ago. I was a different man three years ago... I would get drunk and mess around with any girl I felt like. Then about a year ago, I met someone I really liked, we dated for a few weeks and I really had feelings for this girl and I thought she felt the same way, but she was just using me for my money. I was crushed when I found out that she left me for a guy with more money and then realized that other women may have felt about the same after I left them. Since I then understood what it felt like to be hurt and used, I promised myself that I wouldn't say how I felt about a girl until I knew that she was someone special. That night we got into our first fight and I went to a bar... I only had one drink. I was an asshole that night and something changed my mood quick. It was the song I heard... It was the same song we danced to earlier that day. It reminded me of you... Melody... You talked to me about how your parent's relationship, and I really hope that you won't judge someone because of their past and be afraid to be in a relationship. You deserve to be in a relationship with someone that will make you happy. You should know that in a relationship, things aren't always going to be perfect, people make mistakes. If two people really like each other, I think they will stick together no matter what. I know we've known each other for about three weeks now, but I've been thinking about this for a few days now..."

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