Someone Special (Chapter 33)

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Melody didn't know where she was or what was going on. She looked around at her surroundings and noticed that for the most part she was in a building that was mainly dark. She noticed that something was in her hand, a microphone. There were a lot of people shouting things at her, she was in a room full of mostly guys that were whistling at her and yelling inappropriate things at her. Finally it occurred to her that she was at a bar and that she was the entertainment. There was music playing and she did her best to ignore the people around her, but in the middle of one of her songs, there were two guys that were really drunk and got on the stage with her. One of the guys that was there grabbed the microphone from her and threw it somewhere. Melody was confused and just looked at the guy like he was crazy while he started talking to his friend.

"Hey... How about we let her know what we think of her singing. She likes singing... Let's see if she will sing just for us. Hey girl... How about you and my friend here get out of here and we can... Get to know each other if you know what I mean?"

The guy winked at her as he said this. Melody just rolled her eyes and started walking away, but he caught up to her and grabbed her arm.

"Let me go... I'm not interested... I'm a music teacher."

"That's not what we see... Hey Dan, we've got ourselves one of those singing stripper whores."

"I'm not a whore!"

"Then what are you doing here?"

Melody didn't have an answer for this and didn't say anything else. The two guys that were there had her by the arms and started pulling her off the stage.

"Let me go!"

"No way... We're hard working men that pay for good beer and pretty whores to fuck."

One of the guys ripped off her shirt, all of this was happening in public. No one made a move or seemed to care about what was happening, in fact most of the bar was filled with guys that were laughing. Not only was Melody scared and helpless, but she was also embarrassed because people were pointing and laughing at her. Melody noticed that someone had their back turned to her, she saw the tattoo on his arm and recognized it to be Roman. Maybe he didn't know what was going on so she yelled out to Roman.

"Roman!... Help!"

The guys that had her seemed to stop for a minute as Roman turned to look at them. Melody noticed the look of anger that was on his face, anger directed at her for some reason.

"Why? I don't even know you."

Melody was surprised at this.

"Roman it's me Melody! You said you loved me."

It seemed like Roman knew what was going on, but he only seemed to get pissed off at her.

"Save it Melody... I know who you are. You don't love me, you're just a gold digging whore that only wanted me around for your protection. What we had... Meant nothing to me, I can go back to fucking whoever I want without thinking or worrying about you. I don't love you... I never did... It's over Melody."

Roman then got up and left the bar. The guys started tearing off the rest of her clothes and started touching her as Roman walked away. Melody started crying and screaming as she watched Roman storm out of the bar leaving her.

"No!... Please! I love you Roman!... Please! Don't Leave Me!"

Roman turned around one more time to face her and he saw the tears running down her face but he didn't seem to care. There was anger in his voice.

"You brought this upon yourself... You're not my problem anymore... It's over."

Roman left and Melody continued to cry and scream. She was heartbroken... What did she do to deserve this? She cried as the two guys were going to have their way with her in front of everyone. It was humiliating, no one even lifted a finger to help her, the guys had their clothes off. Melody saw that one of them had a knife and held it against her neck. She closed her eyes and continued to cry and scream. She heard a familiar voice calling out to her and felt arms around her.

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