Someone Special (Chapter 8)

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The guys couldn't believe what just happened. Melody came running out of her mom's house in tears. She ran right by them without even looking in their direction. Dean knew something was up when he saw her running towards a car coming down the road. He and the others ran after her and he stopped her before she ran out in front of the car. They knew that they couldn't leave Melody like this or she would just wait for them to leave and try to commit suicide again once they left. Melody cried in disappointment as she watched the car she wanted to hit her drive away. Dean was now holding her tight on the ground to keep her from moving. Melody cried as she struggled in his grip.

"Let me go!... I wanted to die!"

"You're fucking crazy Melody! What the hell happened in there?!"

Melody couldn't say anything, she couldn't stop crying. Dean let her go when Roman came over to her and pulled her into his arms. Melody was scared and confused, she felt like she had lost everything and that suicide was her only escape. Roman knew it would take a while to calm down over something like this. None of them said a word. Melody cried into his chest as he ran a hand through her hair. Ever since she met Roman, whenever she was upset Roman would take her into his arms and calm her down. A few days before she left the hospital when Roman surprised her, she remembered him saying that he would be there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry on. She cried when she realized that they would have to leave in less than two hours. They had already been with her for a week, but the thought of them leaving her now only upset her more. She would be left alone with nothing once they left and she wouldn't know what to do or who to turn to. Once they left would she just lose her mind and try to commit suicide again? Roman held her tight as she cried and he ran a hand through her hair as he looked at Seth, then Dean.

"How did you know Dean?"

"Know what?"

"How did you know what she was going to do?"

Dean was quiet for a moment. There was something about his past that he never told anyone about.

"I've never told anyone this... In fact it still upsets me when I think about it..."


"It was my fault alright... I had a younger sister... She was about three years younger than me. It happened when I was nineteen, and she was sixteen. I was just getting started in the wrestling business, long before I left my hometown. Being a teenager... She went through some bad breakups. She kept coming to me every time her and her boyfriend would breakup. One night I just snapped and pushed her away when she really needed me... I got tired of her coming to me every time she went through a bad breakup. Every time it was with the same guy too so I just started ignoring her. I came home one night and she was crying because her boyfriend broke up with her again. I was sore and tired from my match so I went out the door just so I wouldn't have to listen to her... I guess she got used to me ignoring her. I didn't know it then, but I found out the painful way. I guess she finally had enough and couldn't take the breakups anymore. At first when I heard her come out the door I thought she was following me... When I turned around... I realized she wasn't following me, but instead I saw her running in the other direction... That was when I called out to her and started following her. She either didn't hear me or was getting back at me for all the times I ignored her... I ran after her when I finally realized what was going on... I was too late... She ran out into the road... She committed suicide right in front of me..."

Melody had calmed down to listen to Dean's story. Seth and Roman were shocked. This was something they never knew about their Shield brother.

"It was my fucking fault... I ignored her one too many times... And I lost her. My sister is dead and it's all because of me... I should have been there for her... I should have stopped her, I should have protected her."

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