Someone Special (Chapter 49)

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Melody didn't know what was going on. The last thing she remembered was Bray putting something over her mouth and she passed out. He did this so that he could do a promo. This was just for show. The audience enjoyed it just for show, but what no one seemed to understand was how real the situation really was. Once the cameras were off, something else snapped inside the head of Bray Wyatt. She woke up when she felt a rough yank on her hair.

"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty."

She panicked when she saw Bray right in front of her and she remembered where she was. Surprisingly Luke and Erick weren't in the room with her. Maybe they were sent to attack The Shield. She didn't know what was going to happen, she wasn't sure if anyone knew she was gone. She had told Dean and Seth that she was going back to catering. She didn't think much about because Bray was not an issue last time, that was be a use he was interested in Summer Rae. For some reason Bray was not with Summer anymore and he decided to target Melody again. Bray had mentioned that she looked a lot like Abigail. They must have been together, he must have obsessed over her and she left him because she didn't like him being possessive over her. She was still alive somewhere and it killed Bray on the inside not being able to be with her. Seeing Melody reminded him of Abigail and what could have been. He could have married her and had a family of his own. His jealousy towards Roman and Melody was getting to him. Losing Abigail messed him up emotionally and slowly mentally. He slowly reached that breaking point where he actually sank into insanity.

"Let me go!"

"You know I can't do that..."

"You can't keep me here."

"I can, and I will. See what I did there?"

"I don't find this funny at all. You need help! When are you going to get this through that psychotic head of yours? I'm married to Roman and I want nothing to do with you. Stop being so fucking obsessed with me!"

Bray laughed for a minute as he went behind her and started to untie her from the chair. Her hands and feet were still tied together so she wasn't going anywher. He slapped her in the face. She wasn't going going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She was more angry than afraid at this point. Bray laughed at her as she turned away from him.

"You don't seem to understand... This isn't about you. It's revenge for what Roman did to me. You were there, you saw what he did to me. He embarrassed me in front of the whole world. What Roman doesn't seem to realize is that when you play with fire, you get burned. Fire... It can destroy even the most beautiful things, the things that mean the most to you. I'm talking about the non material things that can't be replaced. I would love to play with Roman's mind and keep you from him so that I can be a better father than he will ever be. Now that I think about it, I would much rather see him suffer. My anger... My fire still burns inside of me. What could I do to make Roman suffer? What could be the worst thing to lose? A career, a house? No... The worst thing you could lose are the people that matter the most to you in your life. What better way to make Roman suffer... Than by taking away his future."

Once Bray was done talking, before Melody could say anything else, he hit her in the face again and pushed her on the ground. She was tied up so she couldn't use her hands to break her fall. Her hands were tied behind her back so the best she could do was land on her knees so she wouldn't land on her belly. She was actually scared and crying now. She cried out in pain when Bray kicked her. He meant to kick her belly, but she felt the breath leave her as he kicked her in the chest. She coughed as she struggled to breathe. She caught her breath and she cried out as he continued to punish her. He then finally did what she feared he would do. He kicked her hard in her belly. Melody screamed as her body shook in pain. Tears ran down her face as she looked up at him.

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