Someone Special (Chapter 13)

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Roman's knee was targeted by Bray during the match. Dean and Seth were attacked in the ring, but Roman took the most punishment and had to have Dean and Seth help him to the back. Roman was going to look for Melody when his knee started hurting and WWE doctors came to check out his knee and head after hitting the barricade. Dean and Seth went to look for Melody. They knew she meant a lot to Roman, but she was like a sister to them too. Roman was worried about Melody's safety, but he was also worried about Bray getting to her head because it seemed like Roman was finally getting Melody to open up to him and trust him. Bray was the master of mind games and would possibly get Melody to trust Bray better than him. The doctor wrapped up Roman's knee and told him not to do too much physical activity for the rest of the week. He also had a small concussion so he wasn't allowed to drive for at least two days. Roman basically ignored what the doctor was saying because he's heard it all before, all he wanted to do was get up and look for Melody. Dean and Seth had been looking for ten minutes before Roman started, they looked backstage in the dark areas where they thought Bray would hide and then they started looking in rooms. While this was going on Bray had Melody in a room and he had her tied to a chair and had tape over her mouth.

"Well hello there... it's Melody isn't it?... I do apologize for what happened earlier with dragging you here, but it was the only way to talk to you alone. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. A gentleman never places his hands on a woman... unless of course she wants him to."

Melody was terrified, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan were gone but now she was alone with Bray.

"I see that look on your face, Relax... I'm just here to talk to you. To warn you actually. I know what you're thinking... Why would you trust a guy that kidnapped you? It's not really kidnapping you... I plan on letting you go as soon as we reach an understanding. I guess I can take that tape off your mouth, it's not like anyone can hear us anyway."

Bray comes by and rips the tape off her mouth. A shout of pain is heard from her, but no one seemed to hear her. She still wasn't completely sure what he wanted, but she wasn't sure she should believe him when he said he wouldn't hurt her.

"Wh...What do you want from me?"

"It's not what I want from you... It's what you want to know from me... I came here to warn you."

"Warn me about what?"

"Roman Reigns... The Shield as a whole actually."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"You don't have to believe me, but you're going to listen to me."

Melody shivered as she heard his voice grew darker.

"You probably think that Roman and The Shield really care about you."

"He does... They do... I know they do."

"How long have you known Roman and The Shield? A week? Two weeks?"

"A little over a week. What does that have anything to do with why I'm here?"

"I'm trying to warn you... to protect you. I may not know everything about you, but I can tell that you've been through so much pain through the years. Some probably recent. I don't know if you and Roman are romantically involved but..."

"He kissed me! Just once... We haven't really talked since then."


"We didn't really have time to talk... we had to leave for Smackdown."

"Ok... but did he talk to on the way or before Smackdown started?"

"No... probably because they were trying to focus and get ready for the match."

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