Someone Special (Chapter 24)

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Melody woke up early the next day, she couldn't really sleep, she had a lot on her mind. It was a little after eight in the morning and Roman was still asleep, Melody didn't want to wake him up so she quietly got out of bed and went into a different room. She had her phone in her hand and remembered that she had a phone number about a possible music teacher's assistant. Melody decided to go outside so she wouldn't wake anyone up. She went out on Roman's back porch and looked out at the ocean, the sun was already up, but the sky was still a mix of pink, orange and yellow. Melody needed a moment to think to herself.

"I don't know what to do... I've always wanted a job in music, I love singing and I went to a community college for a few years so I was taught a little about being a music teacher. Once I ran out of money for college and couldn't transfer I thought that my only option for music was singing at a bar. Now that I saw that sign about being trained to be a teacher I put that number in my phone. This is what I've been waiting for, opportunities like this don't always come around, I would be crazy not to call... I want to call, but if I do get this job that would mean I'll have to stay here while Roman is on the road. Sure we can call and video chat, but it's not the same as being with him. We just got together... This is the first time I've ever gave anyone a chance. I don't know if I want to do this... Do you really expect Roman to keep letting you travel with him, buy things for you, or let him stay at his house? He's not going to do it... He's going to get tired of buying things for me, and staying with him. He needs time to hang out with Dean and Seth and do guy things. I know he wanted to go with Dean and Seth last night, but he didn't because of me. I keep getting in the way and stopping him from doing what he wants to do. I need to make my own money and get my own place, find out how I'm going to get around. When Roman leaves and if I get this job I don't think he'll want me to stay at his house..."

Melody thought about it long enough and made her decision. She looked out at the water, took a deep breath and looked down at her phone.

"I've got to this... I'm calling the number."

Melody was really nervous when she called the number, but she did her best to sound confident. The phone call went better than she thought it would and the person she was talking to talked about meeting at the school office for a job interview. Melody was then really excited, thanked the person she was talking to then hung up the phone. She was happy that she had a job interview, but a few things crossed her mind like if things would ever be good with her family, or if she got the teaching job how would the kids act around her. She wondered how things would be between her and Roman with him traveling on the road. Melody had a lot on her mind and it was upsetting her. She had her phone on and opened up a music app that would let her listen to live radio. She had it turned down low so it wouldn't wake anyone up. Melody leaned up against a guard rail and looked out at the water listened to music and tried to clear her head. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear someone come out. She was surprised when she felt someone's arms wrap around her waist from behind. She tilted her head back and and looked up and saw Roman's gray eyes and a smile on his face. She smiled as Roman planted a kiss on her head and leaned into his chest.

"Good morning beautiful... What are you doing out here?"

"I couldn't sleep. I had a lot on my mind so I got up and came out here to think. I called that number I saw last night."

"Oh... What did you find out?"

"Well... Like most other jobs I'll have to go in for a job interview."

"That's great! It's a start anyway. Did you ask when it was?"

"The lady I talked to said that today was the only day that she was doing interviews. She told me that she could squeeze me at noon. She told me that the school wasn't far from the beach. Will you take me?"

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