Someone Special(Chapter 36)

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Melody woke up when a flight attendant came over to her and told her that they had landed. Melody looked at her phone and it was after eight at night. She noticed that she had three missed calls and a voicemail from Roman, and another missed call and voicemail from her mom. Melody was still upset with Roman, she didn't want to talk to him. She decided to call her mom.


"Melody, what's going on? What's wrong?"

"I'm... really upset mom... I'm moving out of Roman's house... I saw him kissing another woman."

"Oh... I'm so sorry Melody."

"He hurt me... I loved him... I can't believe he would do this to me. Mom...since you I've closer now, could I please stay with you for a few weeks? Long enough so I can find a place of my own?"

Melody didn't think her mom's answer would be yes, but was shocked when it was.

"Yes. You don't have to worry about finding somewhere else to live. John and I would love for you to stay. I'm really sorry about you and Roman... Where are you right now?"

"I'm at the airport. Could you come pick me up and help me get my stuff from Roman's house?"

"Sure. I'll be there in ten minutes."

While Melody was waiting she couldn't help but let the tears flow as she thought about Roman. Her mom got there and hugged her.

"Oh... Melody, I hate seeing you like this. He really broke your heart."

Her brother came up to her and hugged her.

"I guess now we knew why you didn't want a boyfriend, because you would get your heart broken. If I see him again I'm kicking his ass. I'll try to anyway. I don't care how big and bad he thinks he is, no one hurts my sister and gets away with it."

Even though Melody was upset she managed to smile and hug him.

"Thanks John."

Melody, her mom, and her mom got to Roman's house and helped Melody with her stuff.

While Melody was dealing her heartbreak, Dean and Seth were giving Roman hell for what he did to her. Seth saw Dean punch Roman in the face. It was hard to tell if Dean or Seth were more pissed off at Roman.

"Roman you Son of a Bitch! How could you do this to Melody?!"

Seth tried to hold Dean back and added in what he wanted to say.

"Give us one good reason why we shouldn't kick your ass right now?!"

Roman felt at his nose from where Dean punched him.

"Because, Summer kissed me!"

Dean wasn't buying it.

"Right... That phone call was just an excuse for you to go meet her, she probably called you and told you where to meet."

"Dean! Shut the hell up! You didn't see what happened so you can't judge me. I swear, Summer kissed me. We've been friends for a while now, but I've known Melody longer. I had no idea she was going to kiss me, and I definitely didn't enjoy it."

"That's not what I saw, I'm pretty sure you were sticking your tongue down her throat and trying to suck her face off."

"You've got this backwards... She was the one that came up to me, she wanted to "congratulate" me for my win. At first she just hugged me, but the next thing I knew, she was trying to stick her tongue down my throat and that was when Melody and you guys came around the corner. This is all a big misunderstanding... Like when I thought Melody had something going on with Bray, but later found out that Bray kissed her."

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