Someone Special (Chapter One)

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Her name was Melody Shores, she was a ten year old girl in elementary school in Orlando, Florida. She was a bit of a troublemaker and she didn't really like school much. Some of the young boys would make fun of her for wanting to be a singer and told her that she never would, then she would get in trouble for fighting with them. She was never really into math or science, in fact the only thing she ever liked about school growing up was music. There was just something about music that made her feel good. Her music teacher was really the only person that understood her or encouraged her. Once she got into high school she knew that she wanted to focus her life on music so she actually took band and chorus. She liked band, but she enjoyed chorus more. Her mom worked a lot to support her and her younger brother. Her mom didn't understand why Melody would want to be a singer. Her mom went to her concerts, but would always tell her that she needed to get her head out of the clouds and get a real job. Her dad was very supportive of her, other than music the one thing she loved was WWE. Her dad and her mom were divorced when she was seven. He loved his daughter and would do anything for her, but had a drinking problem and cheated on her mom. He missed a lot of Melody's childhood and regret ever cheating on his wife. He got help for his drinking problem, but her mom wasn't going to take him back after he cheated. Melody grew up not really knowing much about her dad until about her teenage years when he started to turn his life around. He was very supportive of her and always went to all of her concerts until her dad died in an accident her sophomore year in high school. Once her dad died she became even more distant from her mom, she would hardly talk to her mom because she wasn't as supportive as her dad was. Every time she talked to her mom it was a rare situation if they didn't end up yelling at each other. At high school she would always put on a smile and act like everything was ok. She had a few good friends, but once she graduated high school she didn't see or talk to them very much. She went to a community college for a few years because it was easier to pay for. When it came time to transfer to a university she didn't know what to do. She knew she would never be able to pay for it and she always had doubts in the back of her mind that she would never be good enough.

Now she was twenty four years old, she moved out of her mom's house and their bond continued to fade. She wasn't exactly proud of what she was doing, but a little bit of money was better than nothing. What else was she supposed to do when she couldn't afford to go to a University and felt like she wouldn't be good enough? The one thing she had her mind set on was being a singer and she would do anything if it meant singing for people even if she had to sing at a bar. She would never drink anything, she was just there for people's entertainment. Her boss was forty eight years old and only hired her because he thought he would get a chance to sleep with her. He was just waiting for the right moment to get her drunk, but she would never drink any alcoholic beverages. She wasn't really the type of person to wear short shorts or low shirts so for the most part she would cover herself up. It was the middle of May in Florida and it was only going to get hotter so she thought she better get used to wearing shorts. Even at nine at night it was about eighty five degrees and humid outside. She felt somewhat uncomfortable, but one night she wore short jean shorts that was several inches above her knees exposing her legs. She wasn't wearing a low shirt, but a tight shirt that showed off her figure. She felt like people were staring at her even more than they usually would. She knew people were staring at her when she heard a few guys whistle at her, her boss included. She blushed and tried her best to ignore them and continued to sing on stage. She didn't know what was in store for her that night, but she was surprised and got really excited when she saw someone from WWE walk in. He didn't really draw much attention to himself, he just sat quietly and enjoyed a few drinks after his long night. She was a big WWE fan and was a fan of this guy, but was too shy to go over to him and thought that he wouldn't want anyone to bother him so she stayed up on stage. She felt even more nervous now that he was here, but started to sing anyway. As she started singing his grayish-blue eyes turned to look at her. He made his way to the stage, smiled and winked at her and dropped a twenty dollar bill in a cup that people put money in when you sing. Then he say back down and continued to listen. She sang a new song by Sam Hunt called Take Your Time. Even though a guy sings the original song she wanted to sing it anyway because it was one of her favorites.

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