Someone Special (Chapter 37)

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Melody's mom opened the door and glared when she saw Roman.

"You've got a lot of nerve to show your face here after what you did."

"Please... I just need to see Melody."

Melody only heard her mom and wanted to know who was here and what was going on.

"Mom, what's going on? Who's here?"

Her mom moved out of the way and went into another room.

"You've got company Melody."

Melody went to the door and opened it wider. Roman was the last person she expected to see.


Roman didn't know how she felt about him being there, but just being there with her was enough to bring happiness to his heart. He gave her a small smile and talked softly to her.

"Hi Melody... May I please come in?"

Melody looked around and didn't see her mom. She really wanted to fix things with Roman. She thought she messed up by leaving and that he wouldn't want to see her again, yet here he was at her door. She doesn't say a word and doesn't look at him, but motioned for him to come in. She closed the door after him, but didn't look at him. She didn't know what to say so she stayed quiet and looked at the floor. He kept his distance from her, as much as he had missed her, he knew that he couldn't jus take her in his arms and kiss her. He knew that out of respect that he needed to give her time and space. Melody had talked to Seth about her brother's death. She had told Seth to let Roman know that she called, but she didn't want Roman to know. Seth told him anyway because he thought Roman deserved to know.

"Melody... Seth doesn't want you to be mad at him... But he told me about your brother."

Melody didn't say anything, but as she started thinking about her brother she put her hand up to her face and tried to fight back the tears, but they fell anyway. It took all of the strength Roman had not to take her in his arms right then and there because she may not have wanted him to. So many times when Melody had been upset, he would hold her and kiss her until she stopped crying, but this time he gave her space.

"I'm so sorry about your brother Melody."

Melody finally said something to him.

"How are you here right now?"

"I had the weekend off, but that doesn't matter... Once I was done with my match, Seth told me what happened and I left as soon as I could... I know you may have mixed feelings about seeing me, but I wanted to be here for you. We haven't seen or talked to each other in two weeks, since Wrestlemania. I wanted to give you the time and space you needed, but I need to know something... Was this time away, or was it meant to be a break up? You moved out and wouldn't return any of my calls or messages. Just tell me... We don't necessarily have to date, we can be friends... The point is I still want you in my life, but if I'm upsetting you by being here and you want me to leave, or if you want to break up let me know. I need to know what you want... Do you want to break up."

Melody was actually happy that he was here, she had been needing him. All of this time apart was hard on both of them and all because she had overreacted. Roman didn't hear anything from her so he thought that Melody didn't want anything to do with him. It was the hardest thing he would have to do, but he was prepared to leave if that was what made her happy, leave and never bother her again if that's what she wanted. He started walking over to the door.

"I guess you have your mind made up... I'm sorry Melody, for everything. I'll walk out that door and never bother you again, but know that I will always love you and I'll never give up on you, or on us.

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