Someone Special (Chapter 15)

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As Melody and The Shield were on their way to the next town Melody fell asleep on Roman's shoulder. It was a two hour drive, but the two hours went by fast and when they got to the arena Roman didn't want to, but he knew he had to wake her up so The Shield could go warm up. He loved having her in his arms, he didn't know how much time he had with her. He hoped that she would want to keep traveling with them. He wouldn't make her travel with him if she didn't want to, the last thing he would want would be for her to be unhappy. He managed to calm her down outside the Crossfit gym, but was she really happy with him? It was hard for them to have a moment alone with how the WWE schedule worked and since they were all traveling together as a group. The only real alone time they got was when they were in a hotel room. Roman thought back to the previous night, Bray must have really got inside her head then he told her that Roman had been with many women and left them. He could understand why Melody was hurt by this and jealous when a bunch of fans came up to him. The next time they were alone, he would really have to talk to her and let her know that he wasn't the same guy that he was three years ago. They pulled into a parking lot, Roman didn't want to let her go, he didn't know when he would get to be alone with her and hold her in his arms. He wanted to spend every second he could with Melody as he could. He didn't know how long he had with Melody so every second he spent with her was precious to him. Roman knew he had to wake up Melody so The Shield could warm up. He gently nudged her and kissed her head to wake her up.


Melody moved slightly and slowly opened her eyes.


"Sorry for waking you, but I wanted to let you know that we're here and The Shield needed to go warm up."

"Oh... It's ok, if I sleep any more I might not sleep tonight."

Seth interrupted.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but what are we going to do about Melody? I think people are starting to catch on. There have been pictures on Twitter, plus that last part when Smackdown went off the air. I think maybe the part where Bray took her was off the air, but the people in that audience caught her name. Speaking of Bray, how are we going to watch over her if we're in a match? Our match tonight is against The New Day and Bray would definitely target her while we're in the match. He would find her in the audience, and he would find her backstage."

"That's what I've been worried about. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but I think you will be safer with the divas. I don't think Bray will do anything if there are other people around you and if they even show up, their days in WWE are numbered."

This time Dean interrupted.

"So what are we going to do about the fans taking pictures of her? Seth showed me a picture of us with Melody from Twitter. The segment with Bray happened after Smack down went off the air, but people know about Melody because they already have something tweeted with the picture that says New Diva, Mystery Girl , or Ring Rat."

Melody actually caught a glimpse of what Dean was talking about. Two of the comments from that tweet said New Diva, one of the comments said Mystery Girl, but most of the comments said Ring Rat. This almost brought Melody to tears, these people didn't know what she's been through, they didn't know her situation so they had no right to judge her. Roman could tell that Melody was upset and took her in his arms.

"Come here... I'm sorry about what people are saying. Don't listen to them, some people judge someone before they get to know them. They don't know you or what you've been through."

Dean interrupted.

"Yeah... Don't listen to them, screw the haters. This is exactly why I don't do social media. I don't care what other people think. Don't let this upset you Mel... They're all just jealous that you get to ride with The Shield."

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