Someone Special (Chapter 11)

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Melody woke up the next morning in Roman's arms. Nothing had really changed overnight. She fell asleep in that position and both of them were comfortable the way they were sleeping. Melody woke up when the sun started shining through the window. Roman woke up when he felt her start to move. He loved that he had held her in his arms all through the night, but he wondered how Melody felt about this. Melody wasn't used to this at all. The only other time she had been touched by a man was by her boss, and he was abusive and obsessive over her. Roman was different, he was gentle and protective. Melody realized that there were two sides to Roman. One side of him is what the WWE Universe saw. He was strong and protective, but what the WWE Universe didn't know about Roman was that he had a gentle and caring side. Roman opened his eyes and looked at her. Once she realized that he was awake and looking at her, a small blush formed on her cheeks and she smiled and turned away, which Roman found to be cute. He then laughed and said.

"Well good morning to you too Melody. How did you sleep?"

"I slept pretty good, how about you?"

"I slept ok. See... You didn't bother me at all."


They were both quiet for a minute. Melody decided that she would say what she thought about seeing Raw live for the first time.

"You guys did great out there last night. The New Day was good, but no one is better than The Shield."

Roman had a smirk on his face.

"That's right, and don't you forget it."

Now it was Melody that was giving Roman a smirk.

"Ok Roman, watch that ego of yours."

"Well you just said no one was better than The Shield."

"I did, but you know what they say about sore losers? No one likes a sore winner either that's arrogant or brags all the time."

"We're really not that arrogant, The Shield was just bigger than anyone thought it would have been. A lot of other superstars get upset because of all the good things people say about The Shield."

"It's no secret... The rest of the roster needs to step it up."

"There are people coming up that work just as hard as we do. A lot of people would say that most of the NXT guys and girls are better than half of the main WWE roster."

"Yeah maybe, but they aren't better than The Shield."

"Ok Melody... Let's not show favoritism."

"How can I not show favoritism for The Shield? You guys have done so much for me."

"And we will continue to do things until you have control of your life again."

Melody slightly frowned at this and thought to herself.

"So is that it? Are they only helping me until I have control of my life? Then wouldn't things go back to the way they were before, will they all just move on and forget about me?"

Melody liked the idea of being free and being able to do things on her own. She just didn't want them to move on and forget her, and she felt guilty about traveling with them anyway.

"I just feel so guilty... You guys probably think that I'm just using you."

"I know you feel bad about this but it's ok to ask for help you know... There are plenty of people out there with big hearts that just want to help people... Like you wanted to help all of those other people that lost their homes in the storm. Even when you're back on your feet again we will still probably stop by to see how you are doing and just hang out."

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