Someone Special (Chapter 19)

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Roman and Melody spent most of the day together, every second since Roman asked Melody to be his girlfriend she's had the biggest smile on her face. It just didn't seem real, three weeks ago she was just a fan of his, but now she was his girlfriend. Her mood only changed when she started seeing comments on pictures of them from Twitter. Roman could tell that she was getting upset and wrapped his arm around her.

"Hey... Don't let what people say online bother you. These people don't know you and probably wouldn't dare say any of those things to your face, especially with me around. You shouldn't let what people think bother you. I really like you and wanted you to be my girlfriend. I think you're absolutely beautiful Melody... Don't let anyone tell you different."

Melody smiled and kissed his cheek. Dean and Seth were in the front seat and exchanged looks with each other as they saw Melody and Roman snuggling close in the back seat. Dean had a smirk on his face and said.

"Well aren't you two the cutest? Did you forget that Seth and I were here?"

Melody was quiet and Roman rolled his eyes at them.

"I already told you guys... She's my girlfriend and we can do what we want."

Seth laughed and held up his hands in self defense.

"Ok man... We get it. No harm done, we're happy for you, but we do need to get into the arena."

Dean was having fun teasing them.

"Come on Lovebirds."

There weren't as many fans waiting for them this time since they got there earlier this time. Melody still felt nervous about people seeing her because she didn't know what they would say. The Shield got their bags out of the car and at first Melody just followed behind them until Roman remembered what happened the last time they went in. The last time they went in, someone grabbed her. Roman had a rolling bag behind him, he stopped and then grabbed Melody's hand. The people behind the barricade cheered, but Roman made sure that he was on the side closer to the crowd so that Melody was safe. Once they were in The Shield's locker room, Roman knew he had to do a better job of protecting Melody from Bray. After Melody was abducted even from the diva's locker room Roman thought that the safest place for Melody would be in The Shield's locker room. It just so happened that Roman would be the only one in front of a crowd. He planned on going out there by himself and calling out Bray while Dean and Seth watched over Melody. Roman left the locker room to go to the ring to call out Bray. Melody was slightly embarrassed that Dean and Seth were having to watch over her, but she was also thankful that she was with someone she knew this time.

"Thanks for sticking around guys."

Seth was the first to respond back.

"Sure, no problem. Roman wanted to call out Bray and he wanted us to watch over you."

Melody blushed a bit.

"It's kind of embarrassing... I'm twenty four years old and I feel like you guys are babysitting me."

Dean pat her back.

"That's not how we see it. The Shield is like a brotherhood. You're like a little sister to us now Melody, you're very important to us too. We just want to make sure that you're safe."

Melody smiled and gave them both a hug.

"Thank you guys... I've always been the oldest in my family, I never knew what it was like to have a protective older brother... Now I have two. I can't help but worry about Roman..."

"He's a tough guy, smart too. He knows how to get out of dangerous situations."

Something weird started happening. The lights started flashing the same way they did in the diva's locker room when Melody was abducted and Melody starts freaking out and hides behind Dean and Seth. Dean and Seth watch the door and were prepared for a fight. The lights go out and Melody screams. Lots of shouting and other noises were heard. The lights came back on and showed Luke Harper with a chair hitting Dean, and Erick Rowan hitting Seth with a Kendo Stick. Melody screamed as she watched the attack, she didn't know what to do. Luke and Erick were there, but where was Bray? Seth and Dean started fighting back to keep Luke and Erick away from Melody. It took all of Dean's strength to keep Luke away and he yelled something at Melody.

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