Someone Special (Chapter 21)

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Melody couldn't believe what just happened, The Shield planned out how to get her back and found her once they saw Luke and Erick leave the room. Luke and Erick went to the ring because Bray thought The Shield was attacking Abigail. Melody enjoyed seeing Bray get beat down, but it really did seem like Roman was trying to kill him. Dean and Seth kept their distance, but Melody noticed Roman's hand being wrapped up and she could tell that he was still upset over everything that happened. She was concerned and slowly came up behind him, she waited for the doctor to finish wrapping up his hand. Once the doctor left, Roman thought he was alone in the hallway, he thought Seth and Dean were with Melody until he heard Melody call out his name.


When Roman turned around to look at her, the look on his face softened when he saw her. He was still pissed off at Bray, but started feeling ashamed of acting the way he did in front of Melody. If he kept acting like this, he would scare her off. Melody slowly came up to him, put her hand on his shoulder and called his name again.


He looked at Melody and noticed that her face was red from where Bray hit her so many times, it almost brought tears to his eyes seeing her like this.

"Melody... You're hurt, Bray hit you so many times... There was nothing I could do..."

"It's ok Roman, I'm fine, it doesn't even hurt that much. What matters is that you're here now."

Roman still felt bad about what happened.

"I'm just... so sorry for what happened Melody. I really thought you would be safe in the locker room, but Bray will stop at nothing until he gets you."

"Why is that Roman? Why is Bray after me?"

"It could be because he really has feelings for you. He's been trying to find his Abigail replacement for years now. He's targeted Dean's girl, and he's targeted Seth's girl, but apparently he's not only messed with The Shield's girls, he's gone after other women too. Every woman that Bray has gone after has had brown hair and brown eyes. I've never seen Abigail, but she must have had brown hair and brown eyes. What WWE doesn't know about Bray is that he really is out of his mind, but they keep him around for entertainment purposes. He rambles on about random things, but the scary thing is, the crowds are starting to believe what he's saying. He likes to screw with people's heads... When he lost Abigail, he must have lost his mind because he's living in denial and still believes that she's here on earth, that's why he's been searching for her, or at someone that reminds him of her. He must have been abusive to her because the same thing happened to Seth's girl... Whenever she would talk back or not do what he wanted, he would hit her. For whatever reason he doesn't go after Abby or Olivia anymore. He's not going to be around for a few months, but the second he's back, I'm not letting him out of my sight. I'm not going to let him put his hands on you again."

"The worst part wasn't that he hit me, I saw the attack on you guys and I was worried about you, but the worst part was when he kissed me. That day he kissed me the first time and you saw what happened surprised me, but this time it was even worse. He had me tied up and there was nothing I could do about it. He kissed me and I felt terrible about it, I felt like I betrayed you."

"You didn't... Not even the first time, he kissed you. I'm sorry I didn't believe you that day."

Melody could tell that he was starting to calm down, she started rubbing the back of his shoulders.

"I didn't see everything that happened, what happened to your hand?"

"I busted my knuckles open from hitting Bray so much, and so hard. My hand was the only thing that got busted, Bray ended up looking a lot worse. He probably has a few broken ribs, hair missing on his head and from his beard, two black eyes, a swollen face, broken nose and busted lip. He may be missing a few teeth. He said he liked your taste of cherries and fear, right now, and probably for about a week, the only thing he's going to be tasting is his own blood. He'll probably have to eat his meals through a straw for a while."

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