Someone Special (Chapter 29)

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Melody was surprised when Roman and The Shield showed up for her birthday. They went to the arcade where Melody challenged Seth to air hockey and lost, but when she challenged him to Guitar Hero she beat him. She ended up beating Dean in everything, but this time when she challenged Roman to air hockey he won a game then she won a game. As long as Roman was in town she wouldn't feel bad about staying in his house. She had agreed to stay with him at his house only hen he was in town, even though he didn't mind having her stay. Melody still wanted to feel independent, she was making her own money now, but Roman still offered to buy her things. The Shield was in town for the weekend and Melody spent every moment she could with Roman before he had to leave. The weekend went by faster than they wanted it to and soon Roman was on the road again. They would have to go back to video chat. As the months went by Melody improved as a teacher and Stephanie was impressed and noticed that the kids seemed to really connect with Melody and decided that she would let Melody take over as the main teacher. Even though Melody and Roman weren't together much their relationship didn't seem to be effected by it because they would always talk to each other, maybe not everyday, but at least once or twice a week, they would always have something to talk about. They were both living their dream jobs and were excited to talk about it. Finally after three months WWE was coming back to Florida. It was going to be in Miami, Melody's hometown. Roman surprised her with ringside tickets. Melody knew the show ended late, but she had been staying up late even though she had school the next day. Melody was traveling with The Shield for a few hours until they got to Miami.

"It feels so good to be traveling with you guys again. I've missed you guys. Thanks for picking me up Roman."

"No problem Babygirl, We're stopping in Miami and Orlando. You stay up pretty late so I thought I'd get you some tickets. I guess after a while Pensacola gets a little boring."

"Not really, but if I could choose between watching it on tv or watching it live, I would want to watch it live. But I'm making my own money now, if I had known WWE was going to be in Florida I would have bought my own tickets."

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

"I guess not."

It was actually about three in the afternoon when they got to Miami. They were driving around and Melody recognized a lot of her surroundings, but things seemed slightly different and then things from earlier that year came back to her and Roman noticed that Melody's mood seemed to change. He could tell that she wasn't as happy as she was just by the look on her face.

"What's on your mind Melody?"

"I was just thinking about the last time I was here and how my life was... It was late spring, early summer... I was working at a bar, my boss beat me and tried to rape me... Then I lost my home to a tornado, and my mom tells me that she hates me. I almost committed suicide here. I've just been so happy over the last few months, I just don't want to go back to living the way I was... I'm just afraid that one day I'm going to wake up and find out that what I'm doing now is just a dream. I can't go back to that."

"You won't ever have to Melody. We may be on the road a lot, but we're not going to let you go back to the way you were living. You're better than that Melody."

"I'm glad you think that. My mom doesn't seem to think that I'll be worth anything unless I do what she wants me to do."

Dean was upset over this and started shouting.

"You know what Melody... Screw your mom! Who cares what she thinks?! She doesn't understand what you've been through and she doesn't care either. I saw the kind of house you mom lived in... It's not right what she did. She kicked you out and you had to struggle while she didn't have a care or worry in the world. That's why I can't stand millionaires... They don't have to worry about where they live or where their next meal will come from. They think they're better than everyone else. They're selfish and only think and care about themselves. That's why it pissed me off so much when I saw what kind of house your mom lived in... People like... Donald Trump... I just want to kick their asses and knock their smug looks and selfish egos off their faces."

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