Someone Special (Chapter 9)

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Melody jumped awake when a dream she had scared her. She felt like she was falling and her eyes opened in shock. She didn't scream but it was like she was gasping for air when she woke up. Roman noticed she was freaking out and pulled her into a hug as he calmed her down.

"Woah... Easy. You're ok. Relax."

"It feels like we're falling... I had a dream that I was falling."

"Everything is under control. The plane is actually getting ready to land."

Seth looked over at her and noticed she was awake and freaking out.

"Have you ever been on a plane before Melody?"

"No... And the fact that I had a dream that I was falling doesn't make me feel much better either."

"It's ok Melody... We're right here with you and in about five minutes or so we'll be on the ground."

Melody was slightly embarrassed of the way she was acting.

"I didn't think about it before, but now I remember my fear of heights. I feel so dumb that I'm just now freaking out about it."

"It's ok. Everyone is afraid of something."

Melody looked at Roman after he said that.

"What would a big tough guy like you be afraid of?"

Roman looked at her and she looked back into his eyes and saw a serious and concerned look in his eyes. He wouldn't say it yet, but just the thought of losing her frightened him.

"Oh believe me... I have something I'm afraid of too."

"What is it?"

Roman actually had a smirk on his face

"I can't tell you, then someone could use it against me."

Melody looked at him with a pout on her face.

"Aw come on. I told you what I was afraid of... It's only fair that you do the same."

"I will... Just another time."

Seth and Dean were also curious as to what he would be afraid of. Dean smirked over at them and wanted to have a bit of fun.

"He probably doesn't want to tell you because he's afraid of something stupid and you won't think of him as manly or courageous anymore. What?... Are you afraid of spiders, or clowns or something?"

Roman decided to play along even though he wasn't really scared of any of those things.

"Oh... Yeah you got me man... I'm super freaked out by clowns."

Dean started laughing.

"Why? I can kind of understand why someone would be afraid of spiders, but what I don't understand is why someone would be afraid of clowns."

Seth said what he wanted to say.

"Well I'm with you Roman. I'm not completely afraid of clowns, but some of them are creepy with their face paint, creepy smiles, and psychotic laughter."

Melody looked at them and thought of something.

"Kind of like Bray Wyatt? He doesn't wear face paint, but he does that whole upside down Spider Walk or whatever it's called and he's got a creepy smile and psychotic laugh."

"That's right... He does."

"Ok... So I'm afraid of heights, and Roman and Seth are afraid of clowns and apparently Bray Wyatt. He does call himself The New Face of Fear. Ok... So what are you afraid of Dean?"

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