Someone Special (Chapter 10)

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While Melody was waiting for The Shield outside their locker room, she couldn't help but think of everything that happened over the past week or so. It seemed like every moment she spent with them the closer she got to them, especially Roman. She knew she was proobably overreacting but she couldn't help the feeling she got every time they touched. Every time she would get upset Roman would pull her into his arms and comfort her. She had never been in love before so she was confused as to what she was feeling. Each time he held her in his arms and smiled at her it made her happy and just the thought of her being in his arms made her smile. She felt her cheeks heating up in a blush, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. As she waited for them she was lost in her thoughts.

"Is this what it feels like to be in love? No way... It can't be love. Your emotions are just all over the place right now. Besides... Didn't I always say that I would never fall in love? I'm just afraid of getting my heart broken like mom did... I don't want to pour out my heart to someone only to have them not feel the same. I don't want to have someone cheat on me because I wasn't good enough. Then again... I don't want to end up being heartless like my mom. I understand now... My mom hates me because she thinks I'm just like my dad. My dad cheated on her and had a drinking problem... So when I got a job at a bar she thought I was being just like him. I don't know if things will ever get better between me and my mom, but I hope John will stand up to her someday and does what he wants to do with his life. I can't end up like mom... I can't go around hiding my feelings. I hardly know Roman... We're friends, but every time I'm with him I can't stop this feeling inside of me. Is this love, or is this just me being so desperate for help that I think it's love? I'm so confused... If it is love... How do I know if he feels the same way? Are you even listening to yourself? There is no way he could feel the same way. He's Roman Reigns... I'm sure he's got plenty of women just begging for his attention... Women that are prettier than me. He's been hugging me... Just to comfort me like a friend would, he hardy even knows me... How could he have feelings for me? How could I have feelings for him? Well he is handsome... I like his long hair, and facial hair. His eyes... Oh my God I could stare into them forever. He's just so strong and tough with his muscular chest and arms... That tattoo is amazing, but there is more to him than just his looks. He's so nice... Or is it flirty? Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I could tell the difference if a man is just being nice to me or if he's flirting. Oh my God! Have I flirted with him without even realizing it? I thought I was just being nice. Where is the line? How do you really know if you are being nice or flirting? I'm just so clueless. Could I have feelings for him? No... I couldn't... I only feel this way because of everything that's happened. Then again... Why did it hurt so much when he was going to leave? I was sure that he was going to leave and that I wouldn't see him again. But now that's got me thinking of something else... Could he have feelings for me? Why did he let me come along? Did he just feel sorry for me because I lost everything?"

Melody was interrupted from those thoughts when she heard the locker room door open and saw him putting on a shirt, she couldn't help but stare at his arms and chest as he was putting on his shirt.

"Oh my God his arms and chest are amazing... What?! Stop fangirling and staring at him like that before he catches on!"

Melody quickly got out her phone and pushed a game app and hoped that he didn't catch her staring at him. Dean and Seth came out not that much later. Roman came up to her and noticed that she was on her phone.

"Are you ready to go?"

Melody took her eyes off her phone and looked at him.

"Oh... Yeah. Let's go."

Roman knew that Melody didn't have much with her so he thought about taking her shopping. He laughed a little getting her attention.

"You know... I'm not really the kind of guy that likes going around clothing stores much, but I thought about taking you shopping tomorrow."

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