Someone Special (Chapter 23)

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Melody was surprised at how amazing Roman's house was, Dean and Seth had their own rooms and were busy doing what they wanted to do. Melody went into a room that she guessed to be Roman's, and placed her stuff on the floor, in a corner out of the way. Melody made her way over to a window, moved the curtains back and opened the blinds to enjoy the sun and ocean view. She didn't know Roman came in the room so when he came up behind her and said something he scared it.

"Wow, it's bright in here."

"Oh... You scared me. Sorry, I just opened the blinds."

"It's ok Melody, make yourself at home... So this is where I live, what do you think Melody?"

"It's beautiful Roman... Your house is amazing, but I absolutely love the view of the ocean. I've only seen the ocean and beaches in movies. Even though I've lived in Florida my whole life I've never actually been to the beach before."

"Wow, we should change that. How would you like to go get something to eat and go for a walk on the beach?"

Melody blushed as Roman took her hand.

"You mean like a date?"

Roman smiled at her blushing.

"If you want it to be. That's what I was hoping it would be now that you're my girlfriend."

Melody giggled and blushed even more as she held his hand.

"Ok sure, it's a date then."

"When do you want to go?"

"Whatever time is good for you. We just got here, if you want to just stay and relax for a while we can."

"No it's fine, we can go now if you want to. I could show you around town."

"Ok sure. Let's go."

Roman and Melody walked down the hallway and they looked into the rooms Dean and Seth were staying in and noticed that they were both passed out on the bed. Melody laughed as she passed them

"Look at these guys."

"They pretty much sleep anytime they can."

She noticed Seth actually wasn't asleep.

"Oh... Actually Seth is jamming out to his music."

"They won't miss us. We can finally go have some fun together, just the two of us."

Roman and Melody leave and drive until they come across several different stores and food places. Roman found a place to park and they got out and started walking.

"So Melody, you've really never been to the beach before?"

"No, I've always lived farther inland."

"We could go to the beach later if you want, but first we would have to go shopping for some beach stuff."

"Ok sure, I'd love to go to the beach."

As they were walking along the different stores, Melody could hear the familiar music and sounds of an arcade. Melody turned her head and looked to see what kind of games there were. She saw many games that she liked, but didn't want to get her hopes up, she didn't want to seem like the type of person that kept wanting things, especially if she didn't have money to pay for it. Roman noticed that her attention was over at the arcade, he smiled as he held her hand.

"Do you want to go play some arcade games?"

Melody looked back at Roman and felt bad and kind of embarrassed for wanting to play arcade games. Roman probably thought she was childish.

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