Someone Special (Chapter 48)

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Roman could only stay for a few days because of WWE's demanding schedule. Melody was in the early stages of pregnancy so she could still work, but at some point Melody would have to take time off and she would be depending on Roman. Roman knew that he wanted to be a good husband and a good dad, he wanted to spend as much time with Melody as he could. He knew that when Melody had the baby that she wouldn't be able to work anymore because she would have to take care of the baby so he would have to work and send money so that she could get things for herself and for the baby. Melody made it to twelve weeks (three months) pregnant and she was starting to show her baby bump. She told Lisa the principal of the school, but she didn't tell any of her students. At the three month stage of her pregnancy, she was starting to show and the students noticed.

"Ms. Melody?"

"Yes Hannah?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"I have a question."

"What is it Hannah?"

"Well... My mommy's belly started getting bigger when she told me I was going to have a baby brother. Are you going to have a baby Ms. Melody?"

Melody laughed a little.

"Yes... I am."

"A boy or a girl?"

"I'm not sure yet. I have to go to the doctor in a few days to find out."

She noticed that Hannah seemed sad.

"What's wrong Hannah?"

"If you have a baby, that we won't get to see you anymore."

"Oh... Sure you will. It will just be a while. When I have the baby I'll have to watch over it until I can find someone to watch the baby for me while I'm at work. I love teaching, I'll be gone for a while when I have my baby, but I'll be back."

"Good. So I won't have to miss you that much."

Hannah came up to Melody and hugged her. Melody smiled and hugged her back.

"No... Hopefully not too long."

It warmed her heart to know that the kids at the school would miss her when she left. She honestly didn't know when or if she would be able to come back after she had the baby. She didn't want to have someone watch over her baby all the time because she didn't want the baby to grow up not knowing her. She wanted to be a part of the baby's life. She was also a bit worried with how much Roman would be involved in the baby's life. She knew that Roman had to work so that they could get the things they need, but she missed seeing Roman and he would probably have to work more once the baby was born. Melody had finally found a job and felt somewhat independent. Once she had the baby she wouldn't be able to work anymore and she would have to depend on Roman again. She knew that it was part of marriage for the husband to take care of the wife, but she didn't want to feel completely useless when the baby was born. Melody decided to go see her mom to see if she had any advice for her.

"Hey Melody, how is the baby doing today?"

Her mom puts a hand on her baby bump.

"Ok I guess."

"Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl yet?"

"Not yet. I'm going back to the doctor's for an ultrasound in a few days. I hope I'll find out then."

"So what brings you by today?"

"I wanted to talk to you. I had a lot on my mind."

Her mom could tell that something was bothering her.

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