Someone Special (Chapter 14)

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Melody woke up the next morning and heard the shower running. The events from the previous night came back to her. She and Roman had their first fight and they both ended up upset. She ended up alone crying in the bathroom while Roman went to a bar. Dean and Seth heard what was going on and decided to go see what was up. Melody didn't tell them everything that happened, but when she mentioned Bray it was like they understood. They offered to stay with her until Roman came back, but she told them they could leave. She was sure if she told them what happened , they would want to hear Roman's side of the story and would probably stick with him under the rule "Bros before Hoes." Melody was surprised that Roman wasn't still mad when he came back to the hotel. He was only gone for an hour and was sure that he would still be mad at her. Now that she thought about it, everything was fine until she started thinking of what Bray said to her. She wasn't mad at Roman, but wondered what Roman did at the bar he went to. Was Roman trying to get her to feel comfortable around him so he could sleep with her then leave her? She didn't want to believe it, Roman had been there for her for everything since that night when her boss Mark and his friends tried to rape her. He stayed with her in the hospital for a few days when Mark attacked her again. Roman has been her shoulder to cry on for just about everything. He was there for her when her home was destroyed, and The Shield was there for her when she tried to commit suicide. Roman even decided to let her travel with him. If there was one thing Melody knew about Bray, it was that he was the master of the mind games. She had seen it happen before with Dean and Seth. Now it was happening with her and Roman too. Bray had told her that he would see her again. She couldn't let Bray find her because he got in her head the first time and it almost ruined things between her and Roman. She decided that even if Bray found her that she wouldn't listen to anything he had to say, but one thing still stayed in her mind... After what happened the night before, would Roman want her around. How long would Roman want her around? She felt like she was just using Roman so she could have a place to stay. When Roman got tired of her being around would he just leave her out on the streets somewhere and leave her to fend for herself? She was interrupted from her thoughts when she heard the bathroom door open. She quickly rolled over before he saw her and pretended to still be asleep. She wasn't sure if she wanted to see Roman just yet, he could've still been mad at her. It was about nine in the morning, he took a shower just to wake up and knew he would have to take one before the night was over. He was dressed to workout and would later have to go to a non-televised house show. Roman saw that Melody was still asleep and felt bad about waking her up, but she should at least know where he was going.


Melody slowly turned over to face him and opened her eyes.

"Melody I'm sorry for waking you up, but I just wanted you to know that I would be going with Dean and Seth to go workout for a while before tonight's house show... You had mentioned something about coming with us. If you feel like it, you're welcome to come with us... We're not in a rush and we can wait for you if you want to come."

Melody was glad that he hadn't mentioned anything that happened the night before. She didn't want to talk about it and hoped they could move on. She thought this was the perfect thing to get things somewhat back to normal between them.

"Ok sure. I'd love to go with you. Just give me about five or ten minutes and I'll be ready."

Once Melody was ready, they met up with the rest of The Shield and made their way to a gym. Seth was actually the one driving so Dean and Roman weren't surprised that it was a Crossfit gym where they ended up. Dean and Seth didn't bring up the situation either, they were here to workout and what happened between Melody and Roman was the last thing on their minds. Dean and Roman weren't going to complain, they would workout anywhere, but Crossfit was more suited for Seth than it was for them. Seth was used to Crossfit better than Dean or Roman. Melody was in for the workout of her life, she had never tried Crossfit and noticed how hard Seth was working out. Dean gave a smirk and yelled out to Seth.

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