Someone Special (Chapter 47)

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Someone Special

Chapter Forty Seven

Melody was an emotional mess, it seemed like Roman was getting mad at her so she started crying a little. He wasn't mad at her, but he started getting frustrated when she wouldn't tell him what was going on. She hadn't been feeling well and so he was concerned about her. She thought that he was mad at her and she started crying a little. This was a little unusual for her, but he took a deep breath and reassured her that he was not angry with her just concerned about her. Melody knew why she became emotional like this and she had to take a breath herself and calm down as she wiped her tears away.

"I'm... I'm pregnant Roman."

Roman's eves became wide and his jaw dropped.

"You're pregnant..."


Roman saw that Melody was still upset.

"Why are you crying? Are you upset about being pregnant?"

"No... I was just afraid because I didn't know how you would respond... I was afraid to tell you because I was afraid that you wouldn't want a baby, or have one this early and that you wouldn't love me and want to be with me anymore."

"Melody... I love you, that's why I married you. I didn't expect a baby so soon, but now I'm really excited about this. Now I kind of wish you would have told me when I was there with you. Now I need to come home to see you."

Roman was in disbelief and he had the biggest smile on his face.

"So... You're really pregnant?"

Tears were still falling down her face, only now she had a smile on her face.


"Oh... I really wish I could kiss you right now... Wow... I'm going to be a dad."

"And I'm going to be a mom... Roman we're going to be parents!"


"So Roman... Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?"

"That doesn't even matter to me... I will love this baby no matter what. I didn't think it was possible, but I love you even more than I did before."

Melody laughed a little.

"So you're really excited about this?"

"Yes! This is great news. When did you find out, and how far along are you?"

"I found out today and the doctor says that it's been at least two or three weeks. So basically... The last time we were together."

Roman laughed at the last part she said and winked at her causing her to blush.

"Yeah... I was sure of that."

"What's going on? You usually sit still when we video chat."

"I know, but I just found out the best news of my life... I'm going to tell Dean and Seth and then I'm coming home Babygirl. I can't wait to see you. I Love you... so much Melody."

"I love you too Roman. I'll see you soon."

"Ok... Goodnight Melody, you need your rest."

"Goodnight Roman."

Melody smiled at him and blew a kiss at the camera to him before the video chat ended. After the video chat ended she wasn't worried about Roman being upset about a baby and leaving her. He was obviously really excited about being a dad. It seemed like he was just as excited if not more excited about the news than she was. She was excited, but at the same time she was nervous, she actually had a lot on her mind. How would teaching go while she was pregnant? How would she work once the baby was born? With Roman being on the road, would she pretty much be taking care of the baby on her own? There is a difference between teaching kids for a few hours and raising a kid of your own, she was already stressing about this. She didn't know the first thing about being a mom and she was worried about the kid growing up hating her. This was really stressing her out. She needed advice, someone to talk to that had been through this. The first person she thought about was her mom, it was late and she knew that her mom would be asleep so it wouldn't be a good idea to call. She sent her mom a text message and told her to call the next day. Melody remembered that the doctor said that stress wasn't good on the baby. Melody knew that she needed to get some sleep so she went to bed and relaxed the best that she could as she thought about something that one of her friends told her. They told her that she was capable of more than she thought, but at time it was important to have faith, let go, and let God take control over the situation. She had faith that God would keep her and Roman together, and she had faith that God would get her through this. She thought about all the single moms there were in the world, or moms that had husbands in the military and then she thought of something from the Bible.

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