Someone Special (Chapter 32)

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The next day Melody woke earlier than normal because of the pain she felt in her broken foot. She was still going to go to school because this is the job she's always wanted and she wasn't going to let a broken foot stop her from doing her dream job. The kids would probably ask her what happened, she didn't have to tell them everything that happened. When Roman woke up he wanted to help her.

"Good morning Melody."

"Good morning Roman."

"How are you feeling?"

"Well... My foot hurts like hell, but other than that I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm fine... So you said you wanted to go to school today and the Miami show later."

"Yeah I'm still going to school. You guys took care of Bray so I think I'll be ok to come."

"So... The doctor gave you a cast and crutches..."

"Yeah, I've actually never broke a bone before so I'm going to have to get used to getting around with crutches. I tried it out last night, it's like hopping around on one foot, It hurt having to put all my weight on the crutches, all of the pressure went to my foot."

"I could get you a wheelchair to use. Some of my family members had medical problems and had to use a wheelchair, they don't need it anymore. I still have it if you want to use it, I think it would be a little easier on you. Would you like to use that instead?"

Melody smiled and put the crutches away.

"Yes, please."

Roman smiled at her and kissed her head.

"Ok, I'll go get it."

Roman had a storage building and after five minutes he had the wheelchair out. Since it was in his storage building he had to clean all of the dirt and spider webs off it. Once it was all cleaned off he helped Melody up and helped her into the wheel chair. There was a foot petal that could be adjusted so she could prop her foot up. Roman had a few extra pillows so he gave her one to support her back. Roman had to move her foot so he could adjust the foot petal so she could prop her foot up to take some of the pressure off of it. There was just enough room for a small pillow for her foot. He put the pillow up and knew that he had to be careful with her broken foot.

"There... How is that Melody."

Melody felt the softness of the pillows and smiled at him.

"Better... Thank you Roman."

"No problem."

Melody got ready for the day and once she was ready Roman took her to the school and even pushed her wheelchair into the classroom. They were still early so Stephanie wasn't there yet. Once they got to the classroom Roman stood behind Melody and started rubbing her shoulders. She leaned her back against him and tilted her head back so she could look up at him. Her smile met his and he crouched down and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you for your help Roman, you've really made this a lot easier on me."

"Good, I'm glad I was able to help."

Their moment was interrupted when a few kids came into the room. Sometimes kids would come in before the bell rang.

"Well I guess it's time to start the day."

"Ok... I guess I'll go then. I'll be back at the end of the day to pick you up."

"Ok... I love you."

"I love you too."

They share a quick kiss before he left. There were three kids in the room, one boy and two girls. They were about nine so they were in third grade, the boy made a face and said ew while the two girls giggled. Once Roman left one of the girls came up to her and started asking.

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