Someone Special (Chapter 40)

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When Roman got to the arena and saw Dean and Seth he could hardly contain his excitement about Melody. Dean came up to him first.

"Hey Roman, what's up Bro? How is Melody doing?"

"It was hard on Melody losing her brother, we got back together though. We only got to spend the weekend together, but one night we had a candle light dinner and not only did we make up the time lost, but we might have got closer than we already are. I also found out some amazing news."

At this point Seth walked up.

"Well don't keep us in suspense, what's the news?"

"Melody wants to start traveling with us again over the summer."

Dean could tell this wasn't everything. He could tell when Roman was hiding something.

"That's not all... There's something you're not telling us."

Roman rolled his eyes.

"Ok fine... That's not the only bit of news I have... I swear if either of you tell Melody this, I'll kick both of your asses."

Seth stepped back and Dean laughed holding his hands up.

"Ok... We promise we won't tell Melody. Take it easy Roman... What's the big news, and why so serious?"

"I asked Melody's mom for her permission to marry Melody."

Seth got really excited and pat Roman on the back.

"About time man! You took long enough. It's not necessarily the amount of time you've been with her, but what you've done with her. When it comes to relationships it's about the quality not the quantity. We were wondering if you were ever going to ask her."

"I haven't asked Melody yet... I asked her mom for permission. In my family, it's very important that you ask the parents for permission before you ask someone to marry you."

"Oh... So what did her mom say?"

"I was starting to wonder if she would ever give me a yes or no answer, but she finally said yes. She said that I make her happy. All parents really want for their kids is for them to be happy."

Now Dean pat him on the back.

"Good job Bro... So when are you going to ask her?"

"I haven't decided yet, but it's really important that you guys don't tell her or throw around any hints. When I ask her I don't want her to see it coming, I want it to be special."

"Don't worry, we won't tell her."

"Good, but I know how important you guys are to her so I want you guys to be there to see it... Besides, I may need a bit of help."

"No problem Bro, we've got your back."

Two months went by and it was the last day of school. It was the end of May, early June, Melody was in charge of playing the graduation song, Pomp and Circumstance for the graduating sixth graders. Melody was happy for them, but sad at the same time because they would be moving onto middle school. It was already decided that Melody would be here when the school year started. The kids loved Melody, and she loved the kids. Melody had learned how things were supposed to be and Stephanie was at that age where she wanted to retire, she had already let Melody take over teaching on certain days so she thought it was only fitting to let Melody take over completely. When the next school year started, Melody wouldn't be an assistant teacher, but the official main music teacher. Melody and the kids were sad to hear this news, Melody had learned so much about teaching techniques and looked up to her. The kids liked her, but still not as much as they loved Melody. Melody was sad to see the sixth graders go, but was excited because when the school year started again, she would have new kids coming in as Kindergartners. After the sixth grade graduation ended a lot of them looked up to her and told her that they would continue doing music through middle and high school. Before the last school day ended, a lot of kids from each grade level hugged her, told her that they loved her, and told her to have a good summer. Melody told them the same thing. Once the school day was over, Melody went out to her car and started driving to Roman's house. At one point she got tired of taking a taxi anywhere and she knew that she needed to get a vehicle of her own. She knew that she wouldn't be able to buy a car full price, but she had been saving up money to make monthly payments. She didn't need anything too flashy, so she didn't buy a new car. She bought a used car, she made sure that it wasn't too old because she wanted a car that she could rely on and she made sure that it was one that was safe and wouldn't be breaking down on her. She was twenty five now, she was an adult, but was proud of herself for buying this car on her own. She had a job, if she needed to she could find a place of her own, she had been buying her own clothes, and now she had her own clothes. She was proud of herself for getting this far on her own. Even though she was in a relationship with Roman, she still enjoyed that feeling of independence and being able to take care of herself. She had proven to herself and to everyone else that she could take care of herself. She thought about everything she had been through in her life, especially over the last year. As she was driving home, a song came on the radio that she thought fit her life perfectly. The song was Stand by Rascal Flatts.

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