Someone Special (Chapter 38)

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Melody felt so many emotions at the same time. She was glad that she fixed things with Roman, but at the same time she kept thinking about her brother and worrying about her mom. She knew that she had overreacted and decided to move back into Roman's house. Roman was happy to help her move back in. Melody honestly was tired of moving from place to place, she hoped that she would stay this time. Once she unpacked she noticed that Roman seemed busy so she went out on his back porch and looked out at the ocean, this was something she always did when a lot was on her mind. She leaned up against the guard rail and put her hands up to her face and started crying. Roman had been watching her and knew that she was upset. Melody didn't seem to notice him come out. He put his hand on her back and gently started rubbing her back. Melody wiped her face, stood up straight, turned around and saw Roman standing in front of her. They both seemed to know what was coming next. Melody only took two steps before she was in his arms, they knew each other so well at this point, they've know each other for almost a year now. Melody knew that when she was upset Roman would comfort her, Roman knew that when she had a lot on her mind that she would go outside to think and when she was upset he knew that she liked it when he wrapped his arms around her and kiss her until she felt better and said what was bothering her. When they first met and Melody would get upset, it would be hard for her to open up to him, but now he had learned that Melody didn't just need someone to talk to, but also someone that would hold her in their arms as she cried and leaned her head into their chest. This is what Melody was doing now, crying as she buried her head into his chest. It took a few minutes, but Melody calmed down as Roman kissed her head, held her close, rubbed her back and she listened to his heartbeat as she felt hers beat against him. When she stopped crying and started wiping her face Roman started talking to her.

"You're upset... Talk to me Melody... What's bothering you?"

Melody sighed and took in a breath, held it in for a second before letting it out.

"I don't know if it was the best idea to leave my mom so soon... Her and John were really close. I'm just worried about her. I... can't believe he's really gone... It should have been me, not him."

"No... Melody don't say something like that."

"I really should be dead... If he hadn't of donated blood for me that one time I probably would be dead... They say the parents are supposed to go before the kids. I'm his older sister... I've had many close calls while trying to sort my life out. But John... He had his whole life ahead of him, he didn't even get to graduate high school. It's not fair."

"I know it's not fair, but sometimes things happen that we have no control over."

"I just feel that with my dad and my brother that we had some things that were left unsaid... Their deaths were unexpected and I guess that's why it's bothering me so much."

"You told me about your dad briefly... He's the one that got you into WWE, you said that he cheated on your mom, but wanted to make things right. He tried to be there for you and went to all of your concerts. Even though he made mistakes... He was very proud of you, and he loved you. As for your brother, you told me that you didn't always get along, but he loved you enough to donate blood for you and save your life."

"I just wish that there was something that I could have done for him, but he died on his way to the hospital... At least it was a quick death and not a slow and painful death... My grandpa... He had cancer and he sat in a hospital bed for months dying a slow and painful death. I guess why my dad, and my brother's death bothered me so bad was because it was unexpected... I was still upset when my grandpa died, but I always had the hope that he would get better. He was old and very sick so his death wasn't really a surprise to me."

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