Someone Special (Chapter Three)

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Melody couldn't believe it, Roman Reigns had her phone number and she had his. Sure they didn't really know each other very well yet, but she must have meant something to him if he wanted to stay in touch. He told her that if she ever needed a friend, she could call him. He had stayed the night because it was late and he didn't want to go to a hotel so he stayed because he wanted to be there in case something happened overnight. She loved that he had been protective over her even though he barely knew her. Even when she didn't think much about herself he told her that he thought she was really talented. She remembered when she started crying earlier that he wrapped his arms around her to hug her. He was so much bigger than her that she could fit into his arms. As she thought about the warmth she felt when she was in his arms she couldn't help but smile as her heart rate picked up as she thought about him. Roman took a taxi to the gym so he could meet up with Dean and Seth. Once he got there and started working out, he heard a familiar song come on the radio. He didn't know the song very well but recognized it because he remembered Melody singing it. At some point he was just sitting around staring out a window as he thought about her.

"Should I have left so soon? I could have stayed a litttle while, she seemed kind of lonely and she seemed a bit down when I told her I had to leave. Then again... I wouldn't want to wear out my welcome. After all I did kind of decide to stay overnight at her house without asking her. I wonder what she's doing right now, or how she's feeling? I hope she's happy and safe. I really hope she won't go back to that bar, she has so much more potential and I can't help but worryabout her, espescially after what almost happened to her. I know I just met her yesterday, but for some reason I can't stop thinking about her. She's a short woman. She thinks of herself as fat, but I think she has curves in all the right places. She had beautiful long dark hair, probably about as long as mine. Then there's her eyes, I couldn't stop starting at her big brown eyes."

Roman was interrupted from his thoughts when Seth and Dean walked up to him. Dean started laughing at him.

"Roman Bro, what's going on?"

Seth knew that look and elbowed him.

"Knock it off Ambrose... I've seen that look before, I think I know what's going on. He's thinking about a girl. You had that same look when you meet Abby, and I had that look when I met Olivia."

(Abby/Abigail is in my story Who Do I Trust? She ends up with Dean Ambrose. Olivia is in my story Not So Bad and ends up with Seth Rollins.)

"Ok, so what's her name?"

"Her name is Melody. She's just a friend Dean. I didn't sleep with her. I hardly know her."

"Well something must have happened, you didn't come back to the hotel last night."

"Something did happen, but for her it is kind of a personal matter. I'll just tell you that last night she was in trouble and needed my help. I guess I was just at the right place at the right time."

Seth and Dean seemed to understand. Dean laughed at something.

"Why is it that we always get the girls that need help? I mean... With Abby she had a hard time trusting people because of her dad and the whole situation with Bray. That was before we came back together as The Shield. Then with Seth's girl Olivia she suffered from abuse and more trouble with Bray and The Wyatt Family. What is it with Bray trying to steal everyone's girl?"

"I don't know man but you better keep an eye on your girl Roman."

"She's not really my girl. I hardly know her. I'm barely friends with her, but I do have her number in case she ever needs a friend to talk to. I think she has self esteem issues and doesn't think very much of herself. She is a fan of WWE, she knew me the first moment she saw me."

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