Someone Special (Chapter 39)

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Melody woke up the next day and knew that it was going to be a long day and a hard day to get through. She turned over and saw that Roman was still asleep. It was nine in the morning, but she thought she would get up, take a shower, and get ready for the funeral. Melody picked out an outfit that she wouldn't normally wear. Usually she wouldn't really wear a dress, but she knew her mom and other people would dress up so she thought that she would do the same so that she could fit in. She picked out a dress that was yellow and white that went down to about the knees. The top part of it had short sleeves and showed a bit of cleavage but nothing that would get anyone's attention. She usually didn't do anything with her hair, but she thought why not? She was already wearing a dress, why not do something with her hair. She decided to keep her hair down, but she kept most of it straight, but curled the ends. When she got out of the bathroom she saw that Roman was already dressed and ready, he was wearing a nice suit and tie and had his hair in a man bun. Both of their jaws seemed to drop when they saw each other, but Roman was the first one to say something.

"You look amazing Melody... Beautiful."

Melody blushed and looked at him.

"Thanks you too... Handsome I mean."


"My mom said that she would meet us at the church in thirty minutes, but that was about ten minutes ago."

"Then I guess we should get going then."

When they got to the church they met up with Melody's mom. Her mom took a good look at Roman.

"Well... Look at you Roman. You clean up good."

Melody laughed a little and took Roman's hand.

"Hey... He's my boyfriend mom."

"I know... All I'm saying is that he looks good. You look pretty Melody."

"Thanks... I don't really wear dresses much, but I bought this one myself. Everyone else was going to be dressed up so I thought I'd try to fit in."

They all went in and met a few people that said prayers for them and apologized for their loss. They got a look at his body before the service started. Usually when people die they would be buried in a suit, but her brother wasn't really the type of guy to wear a suit. He was more comfortable in a T-shirt and jeans so that's what he was going to be buried in. Melody thought that she was going to be strong and make it through the service, but once she saw her mom start crying Melody did the same. Melody and her mom hugged, as far as family went, they only had each other. Roman had asked Melody if it was ok if he invited someone. Dean and Seth were still with WWE, but Melody said yes anyway. She was surprised when she saw Roman's parents. They had met once, but Roman told them about her brother and they wanted to come. She was going to go to shake their hand, but she forgot that they were the hugging type of family.

"Hey, it's nice to see you again, thanks for coming."

"It's nice to see you too Melody, but don't you remember?... We're family, and families hug."

"That's right... Now I see where Roman gets it."

Melody smiled and hugged them. Her mom didn't know them and wanted to know what was going on.

"Oh... Mom, these are Roman's parents."

Her mom extended her hand, but they hugged her too. She was slightly uncomfortable about this, but smiled anyway.

"Any family member of Melody's is a family member of ours."

This made Melody and her mom feel good at how welcoming Roman's parents were even though they hardly knew each other. While Melody was talking to her mom Roman was talking to his family, he was being very careful about what he was saying as he kept looking over at Melody.

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