Someone Special (Chapter 44)

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Melody had one of the most unbelievable moments of her life, it was the Fourth of July and she just sang the National Anthem for WWE. The crowd loved her and once she went backstage, she was greeted by many superstars and divas and they congratulated her and told her that she did a good job. Once the crowd cleared Dean and Seth came up to her and hugged her along with Roman and they told her how proud of her they were for how far she's come. Since it was late and they didn't have to show up for anything the next day Roman and Melody could spend the day together. They actually had a few days off and they could go back home. They had unpacked Roman crashed on the bed. He would have thought that Melody would have joined him but got up off the bed when he wondered what Melody was doing. He found her out on the porch looking out at the ocean. She usually did this when something was bothering her. She seemed so happy the night before and didn't know what could be bothering her, but he came outside and joined her when he thought something was bothering her. She was enjoying the air and the view, she closed her eyes and relaxed as she leaned up against the guard rail. Roman came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.



Melody tilted her head back and looked up into his eyes as he leaned down and kissed her.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"You usually come out here when something's wrong."

"Oh nothing's wrong... I just came out here to enjoy the view. I never lived near the beach before so I'm enjoying the view of the ocean. I come out here a lot... I finally feel at home here. For the first time in my life... I feel like everything is coming together. I haven't had to worry about anything for a while now. I'm happy here... with you."

"I'm glad to hear that... I'm happy because you're happy. I'm so happy that I have you in my life."

There was faint music playing, Melody had her phone playing music and Roman turned her around to face him. Melody seemed to catch on fast once Roman wrapped his arms around her back. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him and they started swaying to the music. They would occasionally kiss each other as they danced. Even though Roman was tired he wanted to spend the day with Melody.


"Yes Roman?"

"Do you want to maybe go down to the beach and later on get something to eat?"

"Well we didn't get home that long ago, you said you were tired... the first thing you did when we got here was crash on the bed."

"I did, but I'm not as tired as I was. Do you want to go down to the beach?"

Melody was thinking about it. Roman really did seem tired and she thought he needed to rest. Roman stuck out his puppy dog lip, gave her the puppy dog eyes and begged.

"Please Melody?... It'll be fun."

Melody laughed and pulled him in for a quick kiss.

"Ok you big puppy dog... Let me go change first."

A few minutes go by and they change and head for the beach. It was a lot hotter out on the beach than it was back at Roman's house. After they put on sunblock Roman looked out at the ocean. He beat her to the water and dived under a wave and looked back to see Melody slowly getting in the water.

"Come on Melody, the water's great!"

"It's cold!"

"What?! No it's not."

"To me it is."

"Aw come on... It's July in Florida... it's not that cold."

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