Someone Special (Bonus Chapter)

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I know I already finished the story, but I was actually inspired by something cute that happened and thought I would make a little Bonus Chapter. This is it. So one Sunday, there was a guy at my church, he's one of the ushers, one of the guys that takes up the offering plate and helps with The Lord's Supper. Anyway, he's got a little baby girl and the cutest thing happened. She got the attention of a lot of people at the church and was calling out for her daddy. Da da. I thought that was so cute and decided to do this little Bonus Chapter. Also just a reminder, this would take place after Lucy is born. Roman is now a part time guy in WWE, he has a job close to home so he can stay close to his family.

Someone Special

(Bonus Chapter)

Lucy is about a year old, Roman usually comes home in the early morning hours when Melody and Lucy are asleep. Roman would be tired when he would wake up, but he would always watch over Lucy when Melody was at school and at nights Melody would watch over her. Roman decided to take a job nearby so that he could help watch over Lucy and be with Melody. Roman had met Melody at a bar and he wanted a job where he still felt like himself so he decided to help out at a local bar and be extra security. His job was to make sure that no fights happened and if they did to break it up. There would be times when guys would try to make a move on women, and the women couldn't really do anything about it. Roman was there for other people's safety. At times he wished something would happen because it got pretty boring just standing around. The excitement happened when he would have to separate men from women that didn't want other guys bothering them. He enjoyed breaking up fights, he liked it when something interesting happened, but he mainly wanted to make sure that everyone was safe. With Roman around, there weren't really any issues at the bar that he worked at. It hit close to home for Roman, he had met Melody at a bar, she had almost been raped and he wanted to make sure that nothing like that happened to anyone. Roman pretty much fell for Melody the first moment he laid eyes on her. He had to be careful because he did have a family now. Roman would come home in the early morning hours once the bar closed. Roman had a family picture done with Melody and Lucy. He always kept a picture of them with him in his wallet. Basically they were always asleep when he came home and at times he wouldn't get to see them. Melody would sometimes take Lucy to her mom's house and Melody would have to go to work early in the morning. He would get to see them, but still not really get to spend time with them. Melody learned real quick that having a baby changes everything. Melody had to feed Lucy, bathe her, change her diapers, and give her constant love and attention. It would really take it's toll on her sometimes.

It was about two in the morning on a Saturday. Saturdays were really her only days to sleep in since she had school all through the week and church on Sundays. Melody hadn't felt well all week, but not sick enough to stay out of school. It was really just her allergies bothering her. It was two in the morning and Melody woke up to the sound of crying. Her eyes shot open and her attention went to the crib not far from her bed. She coughed for a moment and looked at the clock. She sighed and slowly got out of bed, her back was killing her. She made her way over to the crib where Lucy was and picked her up.

"Shh... It's ok Lucy. Mommy's here."

Melody didn't smell a dirty diaper, but felt a wet diaper.

"Oh... You need a diaper change."

Melody took a few minutes to change Lucy's diaper and then held her for a while. Lucy hadn't stopped crying since she woke up.

"Ok... maybe you're hungry."

Melody held Lucy in one hand and went to the kitchen to get her a bottle. It took a while to get the bottle ready since she had to hold Lucy. She gave Lucy the bottle, but Lucy pushed it away and kept crying. Melody thought that maybe she wanted her pacifier and grabbed it, but Lucy didn't want that either. Melody grabbed her bear, but Lucy wouldn't take it. Now Melody was starting to get worried. Maybe there was something wrong with her. Maybe she was sick. Melody grabbed a thermometer and checked to see if she had a fever. She wasn't. If she was sick, then she probably would have had a fever. Maybe she had a bad dream. Melody couldn't figure it out, she held Lucy in her arms and tried to rock her to sleep, but she kept crying.

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