Someone Special (Chapter 43)

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When Melody came into the room she pretty much ran to him and clung onto him. She was being gentle and held onto the upper part of his body avoiding the rib area as she hugged him. She was crying hard as she held onto him. Roman tried to joke about the situation.

"It's ok Melody, I'll be ok... I'm not dying."

Even though he was joking Melody still continued to cry. She didn't find it funny at all.

"Don't joke about this... It may not be a big deal to you, but it's serious to me... You could have died... I thought you were going to die."

Roman could tell that Melody was still upset and he held her close and kissed her.

"I'll be ok Melody, I promise. It still hurts like hell, but I'll survive."

"I didn't even know what happened... I didn't see you come back out. The guy pointed his gun at me. I tried to make it back around the corner and go back into the bathroom to call the police, but he saw me. When he was busy with the cashier I panicked and ran when he had his back turned. The next thing I knew I heard a gun shot and when I turned around you were on the ground... You... you could have died trying to save me."

"I love you Melody... It would have been worth it. If I had to die to save you... I would... because I love you and because you're worth dying for."

Roman took his thumb and wiped away the last of her tears and saw her smile at him before she kissed him.

"I love you too Roman... I just wish there was a way for me to make it up to you... You've always been there for me."

"And I always will be. You don't have to make it up to me... Love isn't about getting even, it's about loving someone so much that you don't want to live without them, or can't live without them. Love is self sacrificing and asking for nothing in return... except maybe love from the other person... I don't want to live without you... I can't live without you."

"And I can't live without you Roman... which is why I was so upset when you were joking about dying."

"I know... but I really would die for you if I had to."

"And I would for you."

"No... I wouldn't let you Melody... It's not supposed to be that way."

"Roman... I know you were probably raised to think that way, but I think it goes both ways... You would die for me, I would die for you."

Roman was quiet, he didn't want to argue with Melody over this. He couldn't let Melody sacrifice herself for him, it was supposed to be the other way around.

"I just feel... like I'm the one that should be in that hospital bed, not you."

"Oh... I see, you feel guilty."

"I do... the guy was going to shoot me, but you stepped in and took my place. It's just... no one has ever sacrificed themselves like that... no one has ever cared or loved me that much."

"Actually Melody... I think there is someone else that's sacrificed themselves for you..."

"That's right... when I tried to commit suicide, Dean almost ran out in the road to save me... and now that I really think about it, someone else sacrificed himself for me... He sacrificed himself for the whole world actually. Jesus died for me too... that's self sacrifice."

"It is... so Jesus did something better than I could ever do. I know you look to me like I'm some kind of hero, but really Jesus did it first."

"He did. Now that I think about it, two Bible verses come to my head..."

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