Someone Special (Chapter 26)

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The two weeks seemed to fly by faster than they thought it would. Dean, Seth, and Roman were packing up their things and were getting ready to go to the airport to go to the next city. They were leaving on the same day Melody started her teaching job. They would be leaving an hour before Melody had to be at the school. They were at the airport and the time came for the boys to leave, this would be hard on all of them, but the hardest on Melody and Roman since they grew so close so fast. Seth was actually the first one to hug her before he left.

"Take care of yourself Melody... You have all of our numbers so you can text us, call us, or video chat us anytime you want. You don't have to keep to yourself. Talk to us anytime you need."

"I'll try to make sure it's not during school hours or when you guys have a match."

Then Dean came up and hugged her.

"One thing you and I have in common is that we've been through a lot of shit in our lives... Keep your head up Melody... Promise me something..."


"No matter what happens... No matter how bad things may be, promise me that you'll keep pushing through. Promise me that you won't try to commit suicide while we're gone or ever again for that matter... I lost one sister because of it, I can't lose you too."

Melody was surprised that Dean brought it up. He didn't really show his emotional side much, but he did care for her like an older brother. Melody hugged him tight.

"I promise Dean... I'm never going back down that road."

She watched as Dean and Seth waved goodbye to her and then walk off. They gave Roman and Melody their time alone. Both of them avoided eye contact and looked down at the ground for a moment. Roman was the first one to speak.

"So this is it... No turning back. You know you could always stay at my house, it's really not a problem."

"I couldn't do that Roman... It wouldn't feel for me to stay there without you there. I found an apartment of my own to stay at. It's in a safe neighborhood and it's close to the school."

Roman handed her a spare key.

"Here... In case you change your mind. How far would you have to go and how are you going to get there?"

"It's about a mile. It's within walking distance."

"I don't know if I'm ok with you walking."

"You told me that it's pretty safe."

"Yeah, but that was when I was with you. I really don't like the idea of you walking everywhere..."

Roman reached into his pocket and handed her a few hundred dollars in the form of twenties.

"Here... Take this. For a taxi, food, or anything else you may need."

"Roman... You know I can't take this from you. I'll be getting my first check in two weeks for rent, I'm sure I'll have some money left over... I really want to feel like I don't have to depend on you for everything. I want a place of my own, and I want to make my own money."

Roman felt hurt by this, he felt like Melody was telling him that she didn't need him or want him around. He felt like she was trying to push him away.

"So... You don't need me around... Are you trying to push me away Melody?"

"No!... It's not like that at all. I just want to feel independent... So that I don't feel like a child having to depend on their parents."

Roman nodded his head like he understood, but smiled at her gently placed the money in her hand and placed his hand on top of hers. His gray eyes were looking directly into her brown eyes.

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