Someone Special (Chapter 27)

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Melody arrived at the school ten minutes before school started to meet up with the main music teacher. This teacher had more experience, but had a bunch of music books that the students would sing songs out of. She smiled and held out her hand and shook Melody's hand.

"Hi, you must be Melody, I've heard great things about you from Lisa. My name is Stephanie, I'm the main music teacher. I was starting to wonder if anyone was going to take the job. The classroom size has been growing for the last few years and I the more students there are, the more help I need so thank you for taking the job."

"No problem, I've actually always wanted to be a music teacher, but I always thought I needed a degree."

"If you're a main teacher, but I needed help so I wasn't going to turn help away. On days that I may not be able to come you'll be in charge. So if you stay for two or three years, you'll be used to the way things are and you won't even need a degree."

"I guess you'll be in charge of lesson plans. What exactly will I be doing?"

"Well after what Lisabtold me about you, I may need to rethink my lesson plans. She said that you really made a connection with her kids. You seem really young, are you married or have many kids of your own?"

"Oh I'm twenty four years old, I just look younger than I really am. No I'm not married and I don't have any kids."

"Wow... Are you planning on having kids in the future?"

"I don't know... I actually just got into a relationship with someone, my first relationship. Teaching kids is completely different from having kids of my own... My life is complicated... I don't know how I would do with kids of my own... The last thing I want to happen is ending up being a single mom trying to raise a bunch of kids, because marriages these days... They don't last. I just don't want to have kids and have them growing up hating me. Kids grow up and move on, at a school there are always younger kids that come in when the older ones move on... Why get so attached to them if they're going to move on in a few years?"

"You must have really been through a lot, but anyway I didn't mean to get so personal so quick. Lisa told me that I needed to rethink my lesson plans because she said that students aren't really interested in learning music from books. She said that her kids were interested in what you were doing...she said you were really good with them. My problem is that kids of certain age groups are hard to teach, but Lisa's kids are twelve, nine, and five. She said you did great with all of them and even stopped a fight."

"I had to do something without physically getting involved so I found something that would make a noise that would get their attention and stop them from fighting, then I separated them. I didn't have much time, but I did what I could that I thought would interest them. I found some drums and train whistles and made up a game so they could get rid of their anger. Music isn't just about singing songs and learning from books... It has to do with what your emotions and how you're feeling. I got in trouble a lot as a kid, music was the only thing that kept me out of trouble. For the kids that don't like math or science, music is their way of getting through school. I'd like to try to connect with students with things that relate to them. I don't want them to just learn about music from books, I want them making music and feeling the emotion from the music."

"Yeah... I think I know what you mean, but it is also important to learn from the books. I think we can work together and divide the time up. For one half of the class we can have the students learn from books and the other half of the class can be whatever you decide. We can switch up the order each time. We can do book learning at the beginning of one day and then on another day we can do what you want to start off the day."

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