Someone Special (Chapter Four)

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Chapter Four

Dean and Seth could see the look of concern on Roman's face and could hear the concern in his voice. Melody must really mean something to Roman if he would drop everything to see her in the hospital. Dean was the first one to speak as they were on their way to the airport.

"Ok so what happened to her again?"

"I don't know Dean. All I know is that her neighbor called me and told me that Melody had to go to the hospital because she passed out from losing blood."

Roman didn't know what happened, but he felt like he was to blame for not being there for her. Seth pat Roman on the back and tried to get him to calm down.

"Hey relax man, she'll be fine. We'll come with you to see her if you want us to."


"Sure. I mean, she must really be someone special if you would drop everything just to go see her."

Roman smiles at this.

"She is. I'm just worried about how she will look when I see her. I feel like it's my fault for not being there for her."

"It's not your fault. How were you to know what was going to happen?"

"I really hope she's ok."

Dean, Seth, and Roman make it to the airport and once they are on a plane for Orlando, they realized that it would be at least eight hours before they get there. Dean looked at how long it was going to take and had a smirk on his face.

"Eight hours... you owe us Bro."

Roman rolled his eyes as they got on the plane.

Back in Orlando at the hospital Melody wakes up at about noon and feels pain everywhere. She was surprised when she saw her mom and brother there. They were the last people she expected to see. She didn't think anyone would come.

"Mom... John, what are you guys doing here?"

Her brother sat quietly hiding his arm and her mom spoke up.

"We thought we would come and visit you. Your neighbor called and told us that you were in the hospital. She said she didn't know what happened, would you care to explain?"

"I was attacked mom! I was attacked by my boss."

"Your boss as in the guy that owns a bar?"

"Yes... he..."

"That's all I needed to know. I still can't believe that you dropped out of college to work at a bar."

"I didn't have a choice."

"You did have a choice. There are plenty of other jobs out there, but you chose to work at a bar so you could sing and whore around."

Tears started running down Melody's face.

"No mom it's not like that really I..."

"I wasn't going to let you live in my house with you acting like this... I've never been so disappointed in you. Your brother is going to go to college one day and he is going to be a doctor, a job that will actually make him money, he'll be something that people actually need. I suppose you're going to tell me that you were raped or that he beat you within an inch of your life."

Melody didn't say anything. She couldn't stop crying.

"Stop crying... Since you decided to work at a bar and whore around, you'll get no sympathy from me. In fact... I think you got everything you deserved. You have to learn your lesson one way or another. I guess you're as stubborn as your dad... you had to learn your lesson the hard way. I'm embarrassed to be seen in the same room as you. As far as I'm concerned, you're no daughter of mine and I don't want anything else to do with you."

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