Someone Special (Chapter Seven)

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"I was sleeping next to Roman. He didn't try to take advantage of me while I was sleeping did he?... No... He wouldn't do that... How do you know he wouldn't, you hardly know him... I know him enough that he saved me twice now from Mark... How do you know that he didn't just save you from Mark so that he could have could have you to himself?...Stop thinking like that... Roman has been nothing but nice to you since the moment you met him... Don't you think that if he wanted to hurt you that he would have done it by now?"

Melody kept that last question in her head. He was in The Shield, he was an important character in WWE. If he tried anything with her the way Mark did then Roman would have been out of a job and in prison. Melody finally came to the conclusion that nothing happened and that she had wrongfully judged Roman because of Mark. Just because Mark was like that didn't mean that everyone was like that. She still wondered why Roman or the rest of The Shield wanted to help her. How was she different than any other fan? What made her so special? She quickly closed her eyes when she felt movement from the other side of the bed. She didn't know if he was awake yet or if she woke him up, but she closed her eyes and hoped that he didn't know she was awake yet. Roman turned to the other side now facing her. He opened his eyes and looked at her. He still thought she was asleep, but couldn't help but smile at her as he gently moved the hair out of her face. Melody changed her mind when she felt his gentle hand on her face. She loved this gentle touch, it was something she wasn't used to. It made her heart pound in her chest and made a small smile form on her lips as she opened her eyes to look at him. Roman smiled at her when he saw her brown eyes staring back at him. He was the first one to break the silence between them.

"Good morning."

Melody sat up and looked around.

"Good morning... Where are we and how did we get here?"

Roman's face turned serious as he knew that he would have to explain everything that happened.

"What all can you remember?"

"I remember... Mark... He tried to rape and kill me again... But I remember you... And the rest of The Shield coming to save me. I even saw a Triple Power Bomb, you handed me your shirt."

Roman had a small smile on his face, he loved the way she looked in his shirt. He listened as Melody continued.

"I remember something coming through a window... It knocked me out. The next thing I knew I felt rain coming in, stitches in my head, and you... holding my hand. That's all I remember. I think I ignored the pain and cried myself to sleep."

Melody felt tears returning.

"I... I lost everything... Didn't I?"

Roman nodded his head and brought her into a comforting hug.

"Why?... Why did all of this have to happen?"

"I don't know Melody... Sometimes things happen that you have no control over... But it's times like this that you find out who really cares about you. You find out who your friends really are."

Melody calmed down now and wanted to know what happened.

"What happened after I passed out the first time?"

"You passed out when this big tree branch hit you in the head... That's why you're stitched up. That was when all hell broke loose. That was when we realized that it was no ordinary storm. Seth yelled tornado and we all ducked down as the house fell apart around us. My main concern was to make sure that nothing else happened to you so I wrapped my arms around you as everything else fell on us."

"Oh my God! Are you and the guys ok?"

"We're ok now, but it hurt like hell when those bricks hit us in the back, even with our Shield gear on. But we're all three tough guys from WWE and it takes more than a pile of bricks to keep us down."

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