Someone Special (Chapter 45)

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The summer went by a lot faster than Melody and Roman hoped it would. They were both in awe, they were engaged to be married. When Roman wasn't busy with matches or meeting fans, he spent every moment he could with Melody. Melody was excited to be starting a new school year, she would get to see the students from the year before and she would get to meet new students. She was excited to be starting a new school year so she could teach the students, but at the same time a new school year meant that she wouldn't get to travel with Roman anymore and that he would be on the road a lot. When she got home, the first thing she did was call her mom and her friends from church and she told them that she was engaged. Her mom then told her that Roman had asked her for permission and that she gave him her blessing to marry her. Her friends congratulated her and offered to help set up a wedding. Everything seemed perfect, Melody was getting along with her mom again, she had new friends from church, she had a place to live, a job, transportation, and now she was looking forward to marrying the love of her life, her life had finally come together for the better. When school started the year before Roman and Melody wouldn't always get to video chat. Now that they were engaged Melody wasn't as worried about him leaving her for someone else, and he wasn't worried about her finding someone else, but they still missed being together. They had been together for over a year, some relationships were lucky to last a few months much less a year. People either wouldn't communicate enough or they would smother each other and get tired of each other. As for Roman and Melody they made it a goal to try to video chat everyday, and since they weren't always together smothering each other, they had the space they needed and when they would get to be together they were always excited and had something to look forward to. One night Melody was up late and was grading papers from a music assignment and Roman had just finished having a match so they were both tired, but Roman sent her a video chat request anyway. Melody smiled when she saw his name and picture pop up on her screen. He promised to make time for her everyday for at least five or ten minutes to talk to her. He had video chatted with her everyday and it had been two weeks since the school year started. They smiled at each other when she accepted the video chat request.

"Hey beautiful, how was your day?"

"Hey Roman, my day was great how about your day?"

"It was ok..."

"Just ok?"


"Well did you not have fun out there tonight on Raw?"

"I did... I just missed seeing my girl at ringside."

"I noticed that... Even though you won your match, you did seem a bit off your game tonight."

"I was... Dean and Seth are getting a little pissed off at me for not being completely focused on the match. I can't help it... It's going to be hard for a while to get used to being in matches without seeing my girl."

"Aw... I'm sorry Roman, I really wish there was a way I could help... Are you ok? You seem a little stiff."

"I'm just a little sore around my shoulders and back. I went shoulder first into one of the ring posts."

"Oh right... I remember seeing that. I really wish I could be there with you right now. You really worry me out there sometimes. If I were with you right now, I would rub your back and shoulders."

Roman smiled at this. He looked at Melody, she always wore her necklace. Then he remembered the two small pictures of them that he had in the front pocket of his Shield vest.

"I just can't get over how beautiful you are Melody... It always warms my heart to see you wear your heart necklace. You already know my heart belongs to you."

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