Someone Special (Chapter Five)

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Melody couldn't stop crying. She was hurting physically, but mostly emotionally. She didn't understand why her mom would say the things that she did. Shouldn't a mom be there for you when you need them the most, to love and support you no matter what? Sure Melody didn't exactly have the best job, she was sure that if she worked at a bar people would look down at her, but she didn't think her mom would just walk out on her. She didn't keep in touch with her friends much anymore, her mom and brother John were really the only family she had so she didn't really have anyone to turn to. She wasn't really close with anyone anymore and almost wished she was dead. She turned to face the wall as she looked at herself in a small mirror and thought to herself.

"Why am I still here? It was the doctors and nurses, they did everything they could to save me. I guess it paid off, but I kind of wished they would have let me die. Mark is still out there... he's been stalking me for a while. He knows where I live. I made the mistake of opening my door to him, but I didn't really think much about it. If I go back home he could show up in the middle of the night and kill me in my sleep. Then again... he probably thinks I'm dead right now. I guess I'm out of a job... I didn't want to work at the bar anymore, and with Mark coming to my house and trying to kill me... I don't think he wants me working there anymore. He wanted revenge on me from when Roman knocked him out. He wanted me dead so I guess that was his way of saying I'm fired. I didn't exactly like working at the bar, but I did like singing for people. I wonder if there was anyone there that liked me being there for my singing and not just because they wanted to sleep with me? I don't know why anyone would want to sleep with me anyway. I'm not going to win a beauty pageant or anything, I would imagine most men would want the skinny cute blonde girls. I'm not a skinny cute blonde girl so I don't know why anyone would want anything to do with me. I guess I'll have to look for a job somewhere else. I guess my mom will get what she wants... I guess I'm never going to get anywhere by singing so I guess I will have to try to find some other job. If I give up my singing dream and get a job somewhere else maybe my mom will love me again. Was it just because I worked at a bar that my mom hates me and walked out on me or is there another reason? I thought about calling Roman... he did say to call him when I needed a friend to talk to. This can't be real... Why in the world would Roman Reigns give me his number? Even if I did call I don't think he would answer, he's a busy guy and I don't want to bore him with my problems. I don't want to tell him what happened so that he can pretend to listen and pretend to feel sorry for me. I look terrible... Here comes a doctor or a nurse I guess. I don't want anyone to see me cry. I don't want anyone to see me... not like this."

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone enter the room and when she heard footsteps behind her. She was sure it was just a doctor or nurse checking up on her. She tried her best to stop crying and wanted to hide her face under the blanket she had. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she was sure that a doctor or nurse was going to check on her. She closed her eyes not wanting more tears to escape, then she heard a familiar voice and her eyes were wide open. She would recognize that voice anywhere.


She had been crying, and her throat hurt from being choked the day before so when she spoke her voice cracked.


It hurt him when he heard the pain in her voice. When he came in he heard her crying, he came in not long after her mom and brother left. What Melody didn't know was that Roman had met her brother John. Melody did not turn over to face him, out of all the people that could have came in she was embarrassed that Roman found her like this. She didn't want him to see her face.

"Roman, you're here?"

"Yeah... I'm here."

"How did you know I was here?"

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