Someone Special (Chapter 35)

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The last few weeks Melody and Roman spent together were enough for Melody to calm down and get used to living at Roman's house. She didn't care so much about staying there. She wouldn't feel like a burden if she had a job and money to pay for things. She thought back to the message Roman wrote her around Christmas and smiled. He told her that she had never been a burden and that she never would be. He wanted her to stay at his house and said that his house was hers. The time came for Roman to leave, he felt better about leaving Melody since he asked his neighbor to watch over Melody. Melody talked to his neighbor and actually started to become friends with her. Safety wasn't an issue, but leaving was still hard on both of them. Melody had two of the pictures from when they were in the photo booth. One of the pictures she had was of them just goofing off, and the other picture was of them kissing. Three more months went by, it was late March. Melody had been busy with teaching, and Roman had been training and working out even more than usual, it was Wrestlemania season so Roman was also very busy with interviews, live appearances and with fan meet and was almost time for spring break, that would be a least a week or two out of school. Now that she thought about it, she would always have a piece of him with her because she lived at his house. She never messed with any of his stuff, but would look at pictures of him and his family that he had hanging up around his had come to love the students at the school and they loved her and loved learning about music. The students had learned about different instruments. She would have the kids beat on the drums, taught the older kids how to play a recorder and even the piano. The younger kids mainly just enjoyed singing and dancing.

Melody taught them the number of beats notes had, and what certain words meant in terms of how fast or slow to go or how loud or soft to play. She loved teaching, and seeing the kids be excited about learning. Music class was a class that a lot of the kids looked forward to. A few of the kids even told Melody that they wanted to be like her. This made Melody feel special, it meant a lot to her to know that a lot of the kids loved her and looked up to her. She felt the strongest connection with the Kindergarten through Third grade. Her bond with a lot of the kids made it seem like they were a big family. She began thinking about Dean and Seth, they were like brothers to her, her family seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Melody's mom and brother had moved to Pensacola to get closer to Melody. Their relationship between the three of them strengthened and they would see each other at least once a last time Melody talked to Roman was after Raw, it was now Thursday, it had been three days since they spoke, she knew he was very busy, but she really missed him. She told him before he left that she would wear the locket necklace so that she would have a piece of him with her while he was on the road. It was lunchtime, Melody loved her students and they loved her. She loved her family, but she still really missed Roman. She wore her heart shaped locket necklace everyday, she was just listening to all of the noise in the lunchroom, but she looked down at the words Always & Forever. She opened the locket and looked at the two pictures inside. She held the locket up to her mouth and kissed it. She closed her eyes to try to tune out the noise, closed the locket and held it up to her heart and said something to herself.

"We'll be together soon Roman."

Melody was startled when one of her students came up to her, she still had her eyes closed.

"Ms. Melody, why are you sleeping?"

"Oh... Jamie you scared me. I wasn't sleeping."

"What were you doing?"

"I was just thinking about someone I love... I don't always get to see him. He bought me this heart shaped locket necklace so that whenever I really miss him I can open it up and look at a few pictures of us."

"A picture is in there? Can I see?"


Melody opened up the locket and showed Jamie the pictures of her and Roman.

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