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Alexandria P.O.V

I walked down the side walk looking for my next victim. It was dark and there were a lot of people around due to the nightclubs. I saw a potential victim. I followed the victim into an alley, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. I found a perfect window and I took it, I sped in front of him which caused him to gasp. Dramatic much.

'Sorry I didn't see you there.' He said as he pulled his jacket tighter.

' No problem.' I said as I stepped out his way to let him go pass.

As he walked past me, I grabbed the back of his neck and threw him into the wall causing him to groan. I sped over to him and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground. He started to claw at my hands which I found highly amusing. I let my hunger take control, veins started to appear under my eyes and my fangs poked through, I leaned into his neck and put my other hand over his mouth to muffle his screams, I was so close, I could smell is blood pumping through his veins. But that had to be ruined by my phone buzzing. I sighed, I dropped the guy onto the floor and took my phone out my back pocket.

' Hello.' I said as I looked at the guy who was gasping for air.

' Alexandria.' The voice said.

' Damon, what is it that you want big brother?' I asked him.

' We need your help in Mystic Falls.' Damon said.

' And why should i help you ?' I questioned as I crouched besides guy on the ground.

' Because Ria we are your brothers.' Another voice chimed in.

' Stefan, your in the same room as Damon, never thought I'd see the day.' I told them a smirk appeared on my face.

' Are you going to help us or not ?' Damon asked. I sighed, I have to help they are my brothers.

' Fine, I'll be there in a couple of hours but now I have to go back to my meal. ' I said and hung up before they could reply.

' Now what are we going to do with you ? ' I told the guy who was on the floor.

' Please don't hurt me. He chocked out.

' As seeing as you asked so nicely, I'll make your death quicker'. I said as my face vamp out and I bit into his jugular, the blood trickling down his neck. His body went limp indicating the poor guy was dead. I picked up his body and threw it into a bin. I sped off to my apartment to pack as seeing as I was off to Mystic Falls. 


Hey guys ! Thanks for checking out my book. 

If you like the Salvatore sister check out my new book Control its a Caroline Forbes twin and Klaus love story.

Just go to my profile and the book will be there.


Petrova Flower x 

( I only own Alexandria, All the other characters are product of TVD/TO.)

Salvatore Sister  (Klaus & Elijah)( Editing )Where stories live. Discover now