Mr Smith seriously ?

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Alexandria P.O.V

I woke up with a big grin on my face, last night was fun. I nearly slept with Elijah but we got disturbed by Stefan. But Stefan decided to have sibling time with me and Damon and we watched movies. It was good and nothing is going to ruin my good mood. I jumped out of bed and walked over to my closet. I stripped and put red laced underwear on and a red bra. I put a pair of blue jeans on and a black crop top with a pair of black heels. I did my hair putting it in a half up half down look after that i put my make up on which included mascara, red lipstick and eye liner.  I smiled as i looked at myself in the mirror. I walked out the room and downstairs only to be stopped by Damon. 

' Alex, we have a problem ?' He said.

' What now ?'

'Stefan is locked in the tomb with Katherine'

'WHAT ? HOW? ' I yelled 

' Locked in the tomb and the how is a lot to digest. Don't worry we will get him out but you're on Elena watch.' 

' Wait what ? Damon I don't want to be on Elena watch, she's a bloody danger magnet' I told him my good mood is now ruined.

' Alex just do this for me please.' He pleaded, I sighed. 

' Fine.'

' Thank you;' He said and handed me my bag and as he did he pulled me into a hug.

' Have fun little sister, I'll get Stefan out.' I nodded and pulled away giving him a smile. I walked out the front door and hopped into the car and drove to Elena's.


I pulled outside the Gilbert houses and groaned. I got out and slammed the door and made my way up the path and to the door,I knocked and waited for it be opened.

' Hello.' A young boy asked.

'Hi, I'm on Elena watch.'

'Oh right, Damon and Stefan's sister.' I nodded.

'Come in.' He said and i gave him a ' thank you' look as i walked in.

'My name is Jeremy.'

' Alexandria.' I replied,  I saw Elena sat on the couch sulking.

' Well it was nice to meet you but I gotta go' I nodded and walked over to Elena.

' Aww come on Elena, it's not that bad.' I told her sitting on the other side of the couch.

' They don't trust me.'

' Elena they don't trust you because you keep trying to get yourself killed' I stated. She scoffed and went up to her room,I sighed at her childish behaviour.It has been an hour and Elena is still sulking like a baby in her room. I stood up and walked up the stairs to her room. I knocked on the door and opened it to find Elena lying on her bed.

' Elena cheer up they only have your best interest at heart.' I told her as I sat on the edge of the bed.

' I know but I just don't want them to die because of me.' 

'I get that but you have to trust us especially my brothers.'' She nodded at my statement,I heard the front door open.

' I think Damon's back.' I said and she quickly jumped off the bed and made her way downstairs me following behind her.

'Damon.' She called out.

'No it's Jenna.' Someone replied. We walked in the kitchen to find Jenna look through boxes. She looked up and smiled at me.

' Hey Alex;' 

'Hey Jen' I said smiling, Jenna is the best drinking buddy ever.

'Jenna what are you doing ?' Elena asked. We both haven't noticed the other presence in the room.

' Mrs Lockwood has roped me into helping her.' She said looking up at both of us,We nodded.

'Oh ! Let me introduce Mr Elijah Smith' Jenna said. I looked around and my eyes landed on the man. He turned around and it was no other than Elijah the original vampire.

' He is a journalist who is writing about the town's history. Elijah this is my niece Elena.'' Jenna said as she went over to the closet. Elijah walked over to her and said 

' It's a pleasure to meet you Elena'. Shaking her hand at the same time.

' And this is our friend Alexandria' Jenna continued to say as she shut the closet door. I smiled and said hello. He smiled and he took my hand and kissed it making me blushing. I turned away so he couldn't see it, only for him to whisper in my ear what he said last night ' Your cute when you blush, don't hide it.' I blushed in harder. He stepped away and Jenna was smiling at me with this ' tell me later look' and Elena just had a puzzled look on her face.

' It was nice to meet you all, but I must be leaving. I have a paper to write.' Elijah said still looking at me.

' Yes of course, would you like the girls to help load these boxes  into your car or do you want to send someone over to pick them up' Jenna asked.

' I'll have someone pick them up.' He said and with that he left. Elena ran out the room and up the stairs. Jenna raised her eyebrows and I shrugged leaving the room to go find Elena. I walked into Elena's room to find her and Elijah. 

' What's going on ?' I asked shutting the door behind me.

' Elijah wants to make a deal.' Elena replied. 

' What kinda of a deal ?' I said looking over to Elijah.

' A deal were Elena will do nothing she will carry onto live her life and stop trying to get herself killed.'' He said. 

'' Good luck with that.'' I muttered.

' And then he will use me to draw Klaus out where he will kill him' Elena told me.

' Okay well there is obviously nothing I can do to change your mind.' I stated.

' Wait your letting me make the deal ?'

' Yes Elena no point me giving you an earful when your just going to get one from Damon and Stefan, just tell them I tried to stop you.' She nodded at my reply, Elijah looked amused. I left the room and walked downstairs and said goodbye to Jenna. I walked out the house and to my car, I was about to the open the door when I saw a reflection in the window. I smiled and turned around to find Elijah with his hands in his pockets.

'Hello again, my dear Alexandria.' He said walking closer to me.

' Hello Elijah.' I said with an even bigger smile.

' I want to thank you for letting Elena make the deal.' I nodded.

' It's her decision to make.' I told him. We stood there for a bit looking at each other, it wasn't awkward it felt right. I then began to chuckle.

' What's so funny ?' He asked with a smile.

' Smith ?' I said laughing.

' It was the first name that came to mind.' He said with an even bigger smile.

' You have a wonderful laugh' He continued to say which made me stop laughing and look at him to see if he was lying and he wasn't. I gave him a small smile.

' Alexandria, I must be going. I have business to attend.' He said and I nodded.

' I'll see you tonight.' He said and pulled me closer and gave me a passionate kiss, I responded and we kissed for a while, we both pulled away and we pressed our foreheads together. I said goodbye and with that he sped away.  I smiled and hopped in the car and drove away.


If you like the Salvatore sister check out my new book Mikaelson Sibling.

( I only own Alexandria, All the other characters are product of TVD/TO.)

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